Chapter 6

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"A thousand Years" Song for this chapter

PIcture of the waterfall on the side! :)


Chapter 6:

        I was finally getting settled into Alex's three story mansion. It had been two weeksish since we had arrived and I found I was fitting in perfectly. I personally loved it here. Everyone was so nice and welcoming and for such a big pack they were like a huge family. I also found that I slipped into Luna duties just as well. Alex even said it was like I was born to be a Luna. As for Alex and I, we couldn't be closer either.

        "Luna," A woman, who was helping in our house, called.

        "In here, Una!" The old woman shuffled into the kitchen where I was making a pie.

        "The Alpha wants you to meet him in the clearing by the waterfall. He said he had a picnic he wanted to take you on?"

        "Oh! Thanks Una. You don't mind finishing my pie, do you?"

        "Anything for you, darling." She kissed my forehead. "Now, you'd better hurry up." I laughed. She was so motherly when it came to me.

        I quickly changed into my snow white wolf and ran all the way across our territory to a waterfall on the eastern edge of our pack lands. It was where Alex and I normally came to get away from the pack when we needed our space. It was right near the border so normally only the patrol went there. When I arrived Alex was standing there. He had a huge grin on his face and in one hand he held a picnic basket and in the other, he held a blanket. I changed behind a tree and ran to join him. He picked me up and spun me around with a laugh.

        "Ohhhh...I missed you." He murmured into my brown hair.

        "I missed you too."

        "You hungry? I made all of your favorites."

        "Of course I'm hungry!" I laughed. We both sat down at the edge of the water and just enjoyed each other's company. As we lay there I decided that I wanted to go for a run and Alex was eager to comply. It'd be the first time we've let our wolves out together and Saira had been itching to be introduced. I turned into my beautiful white wolf and he shifted into his large black one. They sniffed each other for a little be and circled checking each other out.

        "Dang, you're hot!" Alex mind linked me. I gave a wolf smile.

        "Yeah, you're not so bad yourself." I nodded. Then I quickly pushed my body into his setting him off balance and into the pond the waterfall poured into, Saira and I laughed at them.

        "Oh, you are going to pay for that." He growled playfully, and we played a game of chase for a good three hours.

        Finally, when we both had tired out, we walked back to the lake. Saira wasn't ready to go yet so I just laid down in my wolf form. Alex's wolf, Quill, came over and laid by our side and put his head on our back. We sighed. It was so intimate and loving that I just couldn't help but lean into him. Then he lifted his head and sniffed the air, his head snapped to me.

        "Shit!" He yelled through our mind link.


        "How long has it been since I marked you?" His eyes turned black.


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