Of mansions and pasta

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I wrap my hands around his torso and lay my head on his back.

Fun fact: As much as I love speedboats, I don't really love water. Yes, we are crossing over to an island for about 30 minutes and it doesn't really sit well with me. I think I'll die.

You're exaggerating but I'll let you have that right now. I think I want to heave our stomach out.

For the first time, I don't want to roll my eyes at her.

"I'll tell you what I want but you need to relax. You're going to break me if you don't loosen your grip, Princess. Just breathe and try to have a good ride. You'll be okay," he says and I feel it against his back.

After what seems like a year, he's helping me off the boat and we both walk to the house. I feel a little light-headed. I say hi to the butlers who are standing by the doors and proceed to the lounge. Hunt's description of this house did not do it justice.

The lounge is really spacious. Two white leather couches are placed in an L-shaped pattern and a chaise lounge opposite. There's a huge chandelier hanging above our heads and the room is lit up by the sun through the floor to ceiling glass walls facing the sea. The white walls are scattered with a number of paintings. There are really wide stairs leading upstairs.

Ad and Nessa must have already gone upstairs since I can hear Hunt calling after Marco somewhere in the backyard. Hunt comes in and leads us to a room while talking about volleyball and rain with Zayne. We get to the room and he leaves immediately. It ahs a very grey vibe to it with all three walls painted grey and scattered with mirrors. One glass wall gives a perfect view of the beach. A grey couch is placed in one side and a coffee table in front of it. A king-size bed is place against the middle wall.

The bedside tables are grey too with two white cloudy looking lamp-shades. There's a door through one of the walls. I think it leads to the closet and bathroom but for now I just want to nap my pretty light head off.

I drop my bad on the fluffy carpet and take my sandals off before jumping on the bed. The bed takes me in as if I am a long lost lover and I can't help but smile. My joy is short-lived though because the bed dips a second later.

"Nope! You can't sleep again. We just napped before coming here!" Zayn says pulling me up by arms until I'm seated. "And you still have to tell me why you're mad at me."


I am honestly going to lose my mind with this guy but when he gives me that warm look, I want to tell him everything I am thinking.
"Tell me what is wrong, Princess," he asks again locking his eyes with mine. God!

I don't know. What do you want me to say? You are a bipolar idiot who makes me feel so good for a minute then really awful for the next five. I want you to tell me everything that happened to you after you left but at the same time not sound intrusive. I want you be freely open with me like before but you keep overthinking everything. I want you to stop thinking twice when it comes to me.

I want to say all this to him but I think his alter ego will come out and he'll put the wall between us again. My stomach grumbles and a teasing smile breaks on his face.

"Come," he offers his hand as he stands up.


"Come with me."

I take his hand and we end up in the kitchen. He pulls out a bar stool for me and goes to the cupboards. He starts gathering saucepans, bowls and a chopping board before going to the fridge. I stand there ogling at his wide frame bending to get ingredients.

"Staring is rude, Princess. Sit," he orders again pointing at the stool using the knife in his hand. I flush and hold back the urge to roll my eyes at him. He keeps ordering me around.

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