School? 🤦‍♀️It sure sucks!

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I don't know about you, but going to school isn't my favorite thing to do. I mean, sure. I love studying. I love sciences and math but my high anti-social skills, help nowhere. Every time we go to school for a new year, I feel like a truck just drove over me. Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel right now. I can hear Adrian, my dumb ass big brother, shouting my name outside my room that we are going to be late, yet I have no intention to get out of bed yet.

"Get your fat ass away from my door!" I shout back getting up and grabbing my faded black jeans a Fila t-shirts and undergarments ad head out to my private bathroom. Yes, I have a private bathroom and yes, I wear really baggy clothes. I know am not cool but its who I am. Wait! You don't know who I am, do you? How rude of me!

My name is Paige Schuster, a seventeen-year-old nerd...eerrr.....wait, make that shy nerd. I am the last born...why the hell did I say that? We are only two kids, the annoying Adrian Schuster, jock and basketball captain of the school and me.

I would like to say my life is pretty good but that doesn't mean it has always been. I will tell you why later. For now, lemme pick up my bag and shoes and head out. I already showered and got ready, if you are wondering. I tied up my hair into a messy bun as I walk down to the dining room where daddy and Ad are bickering about God knows what.

"Morning sweetie. How's our fave morning coming along?" Daddy teases as I give him a morning kiss on his cheek, as it's our little tradition since......well I can't really remember. I groan as a response and Ad snickers which he regrets right after my bacon hit him square I the face.

"So, the new chemistry teacher is coming in today and I hope the kids will not be hard on her," Daddy says handing Ad, who is scowling at me, a napkin. "Just because they have been hard on others it doesn't mean they'll be hard on Iris. She is adorable. A goofball, if you ask me." Ad says wiping his face. "Well, he didn't ask you. You're only going to co-operate because she's your best friend's mom and dad, you are worried because you had a crush on her before she left. Now, if you"ll excuse me, I have a school to get to," I say getting up.

Hmm, let's see. You want to ask what we are talking about, right? Well, I'll fill you in as I walk to the sink. My daddy is also my principal. Cool right? Absolutely not! But that aside, Kate Booker and her family used to live next door some years back until she got a transfer to New York. Now that shes coming back, she gets a chemistry post at our school. She is the closest female figure I had in my life before Nessa came along. Yeap, Nessa is my best friend and almost only friend I have apart from the basketball team and the teaching staff. Spells out nerd right? I knew I knew I shouldn't have said that! Huff!

"Wait right there smart ass. You, darling, have no car. You are riding with either of us until you've become a good enough driver. So, sweetie, who will it be?" Daddy asks. "Daddy, we both know I can't ride with you. I hate riding with Ad because he will leave me after school but you're worse because you'll stay back for too long. I'll just take Ad and ask Nessa to drive me back later when Ad has 'basketball practice'," I reply using my finger to put air quotes on basketball practice.

"Hey! I would never do that to you, lil punkin," he pouts picking his keys."Yeah, right! And stop calling me punkin. It's getting old," I put on my old vans and go out to the garage. "It's never too old. As long as you are my kid sister, it stays, which is pretty much forever."

We get to school and Ad walks off to his team as I head to my locker and then collect my schedule before meeting Nessa before the first period begins.

"Oh God I missed you so much! I feel like I saw you last year! Why did I have to leave?.... What?..... I cant hear you!" she says all this while basically choking me in an airtight hug. "I.....c..can't..can't...b..b...breathe!" I try to say. I think she gets it because she releases me. Phew! Oxygen! She looks me over and lunges at me again! OOOPS! I spoke too soon!

We talk a little and I find out that our schedules are almost similar except the advanced math I have to take which is every day and guess in who's class? Yeap, you got it....wait, maybe you didn't! how do I know? Anyway, it's Ad! cue the face palm!

We get to class and take the middle row seats twenty minutes before the rest fill up the empty seats. Literature has always been really good so the period passes so fast and so does physics after and biology later. Ok, so basically I have the math period as my fourth period and I already feel like shitting my pants. Why? Because this class has all the people who want to talk to me to get to Ad or want me to do their assignments or want to hook up with Nessa.

Hold that thought right there! Don't you dare finish that thought! I am NOT a DUFF!.....Wait! none of you said I was! But to be honest, I am. My brother is the hot jock who every girl wants and my best friend is the hot soccer cheerleader leader who every guy wants to hook up with while me! Yeah am just me! The little nerd with little to no fashion sense and a hundred percent shy! Oh! And don't forget that everyone wants to be helped with an assignment! Some time ago, I even volunteered to tutor some guys only to find out they wanted it just to see if they'd get to speak to Nessa!...
Pathetic and embarrassing right? Well, my tutoring career began and ended right there.
It's okay to laugh at me. I even laughed at me for a whole week after that.

"Hey! Who is the guy all the girls are talking about? Have you seen him? They say he is so hot and has the bad boy vibe going on around him.and his body....oh his body! I  really want to see him. Apparently, he moved from England where he was the soccer MVP last year. I can't wait for him to join the soccer team yet!"

Soccer team? Is she talking about Booker?  No, it can't be him. Booker and Nessa's body description don't go in the same sentence. He was a scrawny tall boy with green eyes and a killer smile, yes I said it and used to pick on me every time. Yes, I hate him......No, not hate, that's a really strong word, but I can't say I like him either. I wouldn't last an hour alone with him in the same room. 

"I should be the last person you are asking Ness! Gossip and I are like Gym and me,"I shrug and we part ways promising to see each other during lunch.

I get to class before time, of course, and take the last seat at the back, because I don't want to talk to anyone. I start reviewing the outline as everyone comes in and zoned out seconds later.
"Hey, princess," a familiar voice says as he settles in the seat that is Ad's. I swear it can't be him and no one would call me princess, am not two, so I don't look up. I just say that the seat is taken to try to go back to my outline. "How rude, princess. I thought I taught you well. Can't you even say a hey back?" There is an evident smirk on his pink lips as I start to raise my eyes. The prominent jaw....high cheekbones....long lashes....and green eyes...well, shoot me!


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