You are Everything

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Cheese and sprinkles! That was such a weird dream!

That's the first thing that comes to my head when I wake up the next morning. I am still in last night's dress. My coat is well draped over the arm chair and my shoes are by the door.

I walk to the bathroom thinking about the dream.

Zayne kissed me.

I wash my face and brush my teeth. I have that god-awful taste that liquor leaves in your mouth.

Zayne kissed me.

I take a shower and spend a load of time and energy on my hair before I wrap myself in two towels and walk out.

Zayne kissed me.

I put on a one piece bikini with that leaves my back open and use white shorts to cover up after generously oiling my skin. Nessa will have to be on sunscreen duty again today. Just because..

Zayne kissed me.

I remove the towel around my hair and let it fall. I will have to get the temporary locs I had before back because I don't really like detangling my hair. It takes me almost twenty minutes to get it in a messy bun although some strands can't really cooperate. Why can't it just decide to be on good behavior even for a day?

Zayne kissed me.

That's the only thought in my head as I slip into my sandals and head downstairs for breakfast. I get to the kitchen get a bottle of water before anything else. It feels so much better after a few sips.

Zayne kissed me.

Why? Why would he kiss me? Do my dreams have to be awkward too. We were standing on some abandoned deck and he said all these things and asked to kiss me!

Wait! How did I get home? I did go to that party last night. I didn't even drink that much, did I?

I danced and then went to seat by the beach with Eddie. He was there. Zayne came to get me. He drove me to the strange house.

It was not a dream, was it? Oh no!

We left a few minutes later after Adrian called asking Zayne where he had seen me last. He had kept his promise and given me a piggyback ride back to his car. That's really the last thing I remember. But...

Zayne kissed me.

"Hey! PAIGE!" Nessa screams right next to me. She is looking at me as if I just killed someone.
"U...umm, hi," I say stepping away from her.
"HI!? You are really going to HI at me?" she steps closer and I take another step back. When I don't say anything else, she takes my hands in hers and makes me look at her.

"Where did you go last night, Paigey? One minute you are seated along the beach and the next you are nowhere to be seen. Do you know how worried I was?" she's still shouting. She seems a little angry but her eyes are glossy.

"She was with me," I hear someone say behind me.

But it is not just someone.

It is Zayne.

Zayne who kissed me last night.

Zayne, the guy no one seems to understand.

Zayne, who's sole mission is pissing me off.

Zayne, who I can't look at right now because I don't really know what to say to him.

"She was with you?" Nessa asks now really angry, I think.

"I thought you promised to stay away from her. I swear to God, Booker, if I find out you did anything to hurt her...." she doesn't because Ad and Hunter come in all sweaty.

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