Go to hell, Booker!

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Who the fuck leads people in the woods without bad intentions?
You're right.
Yeah, no one.
I am going to die, ain't I?

Shut up, Paige.

"Why are you following me? Didn't your parents teach you that the woods are a dangerous place to be?"
 Is he being serious right now?
"I don't know if you noticed Mr. SquarePants but you are my designated driver and yet you're too stubborn to take the right road. If you were so focused on killing me, you could have at least informed me so I can say goodbye to everyone."

He huffs and seats on a wooden bridge that I had not noticed since I was busy blabbering out. " "Mr. SquarePants? Seriously? Go away," he grumbles.
"NO! you just can't stop in the middle of nowhere and ask me to go away. You know what, go to hell, Booker!" I exclaim and take out my phone to call Ad. I start walking away as his phone rings and rings again and again.
My phone is suddenly snatched from me and am turned to face a smirking Zayne. Seriously, what does it take to wipe the smirk off his face?
"Why are you calling him? The little princess can't survive on her own?" he arches a brow.
"Get your hands off of me," I try to push him off but he doesn't budge.
Damn! What is he? A damn rock?
"Why?" he lets go of my hands only to grab me by my waist making me gasp as my body collides with his.

"Go away!" I shriek and he laughs.
"What is so funny?" I ask putting my arms between us.
"You didn't seem to know the meaning of 'go away' when I said it earlier," his smirk returns and he looks into my eyes. It feels so intense that I find myself shifting my weight on one leg.
"You know, you should be curious why I brought you here instead of throwing tantrums like the kid you are," he says and I move my eyes from his.

Why would he bring me here? What's with him and bringing me to places that are not normal? If you get what am saying.
"Why?" I ask trying so hard not to look at him. Every time I look at him I feel my face heating up and just so you know, it ain't a lovely feeling.
"Why would I tell you? C'mon, sit with me," he leads me back to the highest point of the bridge where he sits with his raggedly jean-clothed legs hanging off. I assume am supposed to follow suit and it's exactly what I do after making him promise that he wouldn't throw me into the water. I feel our legs touch and I swear my face will explode anytime now. He glances at me and notices my face then his smirks turns into an almost smile. "Don't worry. It's cute to blush especially when you are faced by someone as awesome as this," he gestures his body.
"Cocky much?" I roll my eyes and for the first time take my time to look around.
 Damn! The place is quite a catch if you ask me. The green of the trees blends quite well with the flowers below the bridge along the river banks. The water flows violently through a fall that ain't so high and the calms as it approaches the bridge.

"Wow!" I exclaim and shut my eyes to take a deep breathe taking advantage of the cool air around.
When I open my eyes, I come face to face with Zayne's face right in front of mine. He seems to debate on something before he turns his head away and I think I heard him swear.
What's his problem? Can't he just live in the moment? Just as am about to speak, he stands up and mutters something I don't really get.
"Sorry, What?" I ask looking up at him. I immediately regret because he does look like a god from an alien world. His hair is disheveled from the many times he passes his hands thru it, his white V-neck t-shirt outlines the tattoos on his chest. His leather jacket completes his signature look which, if you ask me, is the cliché bad boy look. Yeah, sorry, you didn't ask.

"Princess?" he looks down at me with an arched brow and offers his hand to help me up.
Yes, I didn't hear him the second time either. And no, I didn't take his hand. for all I know, he'll just drop me back down.
"So much for trust," he rolls his eyes and I literally do a facepalm, though in a sec, am flying in the air having missed a step. Typical me, I mentally roll my eyes as I wait to land massively but arms come around me and am held against him.

"Damn! Princess," he curses placing a hand behind my neck. I stare into his eyes breathing heavily, nearly panting. He brings his face closer. Real close that I can feel his breath on my face. I see the same conflict thingy in his eyes and he closes them leaning to my ear.
 "Only you, Princess, manages to do this to me. I don't understand it but once I do, you better run," he whispers and places his lips behind my ear making me shudder.

Isn't that a kiss, dumbass?
No! A kiss is intimate, my dear inner voice, it makes you feel things you don't want to.

Oh! Do you mean like the sparks you're feeling now?

He still doesn't let go but instead swings his arm around me. When I blush at this, he winks.
We get back on road and my butterflies only reduce a little bit since his speed is a notch higher than suicidal this time.
I don't mind though because his words seem to run in my head all through the way.
Only you, Princess, manages to do this to me. I don't understand it but once I do, you better run.


Hey guys, 

I am updating a lot today since am idle (giggles)

Love y'all


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