I swear the world is against me!

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I am pretty sure I was staring at him but my mind did not help me in this situation right here. I mean I know he was coming back but nobody gave me a warning that he would just appear from nowhere and worse right in my face.

Let me tell you a little about our history. Zayne is very annoying. Not the annoying that comes once a month because of the girl moments but the annoying that comes every second he is around. He was always saying stuff that will piss me off and going against me. Calling me names that I hate and embarrassing me whenever there's an audience!

I mean annoying! The annoying that is beyond annoying. The annoying that...OK! you get it

"That's right princess. You might want to shut your mouth before you catch a fly in it," he snickered and looked forward dropping his bag to the floor.
I am doomed.
"What's up Punkin? You look like you just saw a ghost," Ad laughs as he sits on the seat right in front of me. That is the exact moment that I realize the whispers arising in the class. I raise my head and find the cheerleaders who sit together and gossip every time looking right at me. What is it with them today?
They start giggling and then wave and Ad waves back and winks.

Ew!! Ew!!
I turn to see if Zayne is waving back but he has a smirk on his face while looking at me. "Relax, princess, they just can't ignore all this," he says gesturing to his body.
"Don't flatter yourself, Booker," I retort and go back to my books.
"Look, Punkin, I know you are happy that he is back but am not sure I want to be your referee this time around. Please try to get along," Ad says dropping his bag too. I let out a very un-lady like snort and pretend I did not even hear him.  Mrs. White comes and immediately starts her lecture. This will be one long period. I sigh.
It's hardly ten minutes when the devil himself starts to put me in misery. He taps his pencil rapidly as if making a fast beat which gets to my head but that ain't bad because I just snatched the pencil. What is worse is that I left my pouch, full of pencils, right there and yes like you are thinking, he took them all. So what I have a whole pouch of pencils? I like to be ready, ok? The jerk did not even use them really! He just dumped them! On the floor! and sat back!
I huffed AGAIN!

A few minutes later, I felt my hair being tugged! Seriously!! What is his problem? I decided to ignore him because the period was not even halfway and there was no way I would miss it. As if sensing my resolve, he started tugging harder making me lean back and smirk when I trapped his hand between my back and the seat. Wait! What is that tracing shapes on my back?


"What is your problem?" I yelled after we were in the hallway. He chuckles. Yeap, you heard me right. Chuckles. It is adorable but I don't really care about that right now. I need an apology from him. It's so obvious we were kicked out of class. Yes, Zayne and I.
 Whose fault? I say his.

 Why? Because he is a jerk who has made me get detention for the first time in my life! God, I feel like strangling him right now.

He looks at me and then walks to the wall and slides down sitting there as if I didn't say a word to him. Arrrrgggh! I stomp my foot loudly like a kid and walk away to the library where I stay until lunch

I find Nessa seated at our table. She doesn't sit with the jocks like you expect the head cheerleader to. I grab my lunch and walk to her. "Why are you sulking? You look like you want to chop a couple of heads off and rip hearts out and slice them to pieces and....." "I get it, Nessa! I am just annoyed. I was kicked out of class and got detention," I mumble hooping she would not hear me so that she would not make a fuss. But again life sucks. "WHHHHAAATTT! Did you get kicked out of class? And got detention? But you never get detention! How? Why?" she squealed as if she was celebrating. "It's a long story and I will only get annoyed. I mean he doesn't even let me breathe! He doesn't back off. Doesn't know when to and honestly, sometimes I feel like yelling at him, literally. Who tugs other people's hair in class and then talks back at the teacher when told to shut up. Who? What in the world is wrong with him?" I rumble but Ness is not listening to me. She's just staring behind me. Ad seats next to her and a tint of red rises on her face. You're not a genius because you figured out that she has a crush on him. But the cool thing about it is that its not one-sided. He may not admit it, but I have caught him one too many times staring at her dreamily whenever we are together.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks and I huff because if she was not here, he'd have just slumped into it. "No," she replies shyly and looks away. Seriously, these two bring out sides of each other that I had no idea existed. I chuckle and reach for a fry from my tray but another hand pulls it away and the seat next to me is pulled noisily and the culprit slumps in it. God save me!

Oh no, he didn't. Please tell me I am dreaming. Tell me he did not take my food away, I wish as I close my eyes to breathe in.

"Oh no! Whoever you are, handsome guy, I think you should push back the tray to her or she will go all kung fu on you," Ness warns.

"Well nice to meet you too, Nessa. Or should I say Adrian's pretty little crush?" my eyes shoot open and I immediately involuntarily exhale. Nessa and Ad both stiffen and I want to laugh when Ad chokes. "What?" "Dude!" they exclaim respectively as if the greatest secret on earth has been revealed. I mean, my dad even knows this. And trust me when I say that dad is always last to read into something "My name is...," he starts while still eating my fries. "For the love of God Booker!" "Yes, princess. That is my name. It seems she did miss me. She can't stop calling me today," he says picking another fry.

"One.....two......," "Why is she counting?" "Oh-oh, you should run," Nessa tells him but he just laughs it off. "She is serious dude. You should really run!" Ad warns too and Zayne starts to push his chair back making an annoying noise and heads turn to us. Why did they even sit with us? "......five! You're dead!" I exclaim and make a run for him. He is exiting the cafeteria but that doesn't stop me from going after him. We pass a few people who look at us like we are mad or something but we don't stop. We get outside and into the soccer field. He looks around to find the entrance because it had not been renovated when he left. This gives me an advantage and I get closer following him in. He runs into a hurdle and almost slips but he survives. For the first time today, luck is on my side because I deliberately trip him. Awesome! But wait! Oh no! I can't balance myself either and I land a top of him knocking the air out of my lungs.


Hey guys! This is this week's second update. I hope you like it.

Anyway, I have exams starting this week. I may update twice or just once but please don't hate me if they are short. Anyway, for reading, and don't forget to vote and share.


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