Stop cussing at me!

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Hey, guys! *screechyfangirlyvoice* Am sorry for being away for some time. But am so happy for I joined the wattys2019  today. I hope y'all be with me through it all. Tbh, I was writing this for fun but that invitation makes me want to put my everything in it. Hopefully, I will get the means to update more than usual. However, few we are fans of Foreign Reign, I think we shall make it work. I just need a little bit of your support. Thanks in advance *giggles* I appreciate the correction, opinions, and comments, for it shows love, so feel free to leave a little bit more than a vote. Happy birthday to EricPetah. you still are a kid though*laughsawfullyloud*
Let's get back to our world now.

I live a little bit too much in my relief that I don't see Zayne walk away.
"Paige," someone calls me and I turn to see Eddie. He used to live in the same street with us up until they moved here permanently. Next to him was a beautiful blonde lady who looked as confused as I am. "Oh God, I can not believe you are standing right here in front of me,"
 he hugs me and I return the hug smiling. "I can't believe it either. It has been a while. How have you been?" I ask just to be polite while my mind is wondering where Zayne stormed off to.
"I have been ok. This is Annie, my girlfriend. Annie, meet Paige, an old friend." I shake her hand and we exchange 'its nice to meet you' formalities before Eddie notices that I keep looking around. "I don't want to keep you here but I'd love to see you again before you leave. You know, to catch up and stuff." "Yeah, sure. You can call Adrian and we can make it work. I will see you both later," I excuse myself and leave to look for Zayne.
I find him picking out the types of cereals in the list. He doesn't say anything nor knowledge me but from the tightening grip on the trolley, he knows am there.
We pick out everything and get in line. i am somewhat happy to see Eddie and Annie leave the store. He stands behind the trolley while I stand beside it as we move to the counter slowly.
A drunk man pushes against people and almost knocks me down but I try to move out of his way. "Hey! What the fuck man! Can't you watch where you are going?" Zayne yells while pulling me to his body. He has a scary scowl on his face which only worsens when the drunk doesnt even look back. Am pushed behind Zayne and before I can even blink he has grabbed the man by his collar almost lifting him off the ground. I can see his back muscles bulge as he lifts him higher. I feel a foreign shiver down my back but ignore it. The poor man looks old enough to be Zayne's dad and now looks really afraid as if he just realised that Zayne was speaking to him. "What do you want, kid?" he asks trying to get out of Zayne's grip. "Dont call me a fucking kid! Now apologise before I crack your shitfaced head against that fucking wall." Zayne says this in an awfully growly voice that am scared for the man. "Apologise for what?" he sincerely asks still blurring his words. Oh no! A cracking sound is heard almost immediately and multiple people scream while others gasp when Zayne throws punch at the man's nose clearly breaking it. "To her. For fucking knocking her around. Now!" he releases him. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I hug myself and try to step back. "Am sorry kid," he says. His word come out really fast as he holds his bloody nose. "It's ok," I doubt he hears it as he groans in pain. A few men, who I assume are his friends since they look as drunk, come to grab him and take him away. Zayne takes a deep breathe and lifts his hand towards me. I immediately flinch and shut my eyes, hugging myself a little bit tighter.
When nothing happens, I look up at him but he's looking away while running a hand through his hair. The whole store is awfully silent until we are up. The cashier looks at both of us shifting from me to Zayne and gives me a goofy smile. We pay up and everything is packed up. There are multiple bags but Zayne grabs them all. I take his card back from her as he walks out with the bags. "Your boyfriend is awful protective. You two make a hot couple," she compliments and winks at me. I save her the disappointment by not telling her we are not a couple.
Zayne is done putting the bags on the back seat when I get to him. We both get in the car and he revs off the parking lot. He drives faster on the return journey and keeps the volume high. I hug my legs to my chest and look at the blurry scenes outside.
Why did he even punch the guy? I was the one knocked over. I can not begin to understand today. From packing stress, to the zoning out in class, to detention, to riding with him, striking a deal,and going to the store. The store. I groan. I can swear there was something weird taht happened when we were getting skittles. What the hell was that? Then he punched the guy and now he's not talking to me as if I did anything.

You flinched at him instead of thanking him for standing up for you!
I didn't mean to! Am not even sure why I did! Need i remind you that we are one person? Stop blaming me!
You should definitely apologise or at least say thank you.

Ok! I will. I am not mannerless, ok? Just be quiet, I have had a long day!
Oh, you did? And I didn't, right?
Ok fine! We both did! Just calm down!

We get home in a few minutes and he jumps out to get the bags. We both head to the kitchen and he places the bags on the island.
"Hey, thank you for standing up for me earlier," I tell him afraid to look up at him. He just lets out an mmh and starts to walk away.
"Thats it? Why are you not speaking to me? I did nothing!" I complain and he stops.
"What the fuck do you want me to tell you? That you're fucking welcome? Because you sure as hell are not! Don't fucking get used to it," he says, his voice cold. "Stop cussing at me! It's not my fault that I didn't say thank you for the skittles or you broke the poor man's nose!" "Oh, so he's a poor man now? The asshole did nothing right? That's why you flinched when I wanted to ask if you got hurt? Fucking perfect, princess! Keep your goddamned grattitude," he huffs after.
"Am sorry I flinched, ok? But you broke his nose. You didn't see the look on your face when to grabbed him. I did and it was so scary, Booker!"
"Well, good thing I don't fucking care, right?" he says and stomps up the stairs. A few seconds later the door is banged.I sigh and rub my palms on my jeans.

"That sure was not good. What happened between you two?" Nessa asks leading me outside where everyone is. They are all around the fire with bottles of beer in hand laughing at something Hunt said.
"What's wrong, Punkin?" A asks tapping the spots next to him.  I sit between him and Hunt while Nessa seats on the other side.
"I swear Adrian, if y'all make me do anything with Booker again, I will go home by myself."
"What did he do?" He asks wrapping a hand around my shoulder. "You wouldn't help even if i told you. He is your best friend, so don't bother. I think I'll just go to bed. I have had a long day. I think I'll sleep in dad's room tonight. Goodnight." I get up real fast and ignore Nessa when she calls after me.

I knew coming here with Zayne was a bad idea but I did not expect it to be this bad. I head into my room that I am supposed to share with Nessa, pick up a change of clothes and my toiletries and head to dad's room locking the door behind me. I already miss dad and home actually. I would be really comfortable on my bed right now doing nothing constructive.
But here I am. Just having a bad day. I take a long shower and get in bed closing my eyes in hopes that i'll fall asleep but all I can think about are green eyes and pink plump lips cursing at me.
Sad, right? Yeah, I know.

I think Zayne has issues but it doesn't make him less of an ass.
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