A deal with the devil.

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As soon as we got to the cabin, I jumped off the death machine and handed back the helmet. He just stared at me like I had done something wrong but then looked away and followed me in. We sat in the lounge as I called Nessa to ask where they were so that I could go for a walk.

I felt eyes burning holes in my head and sure enough, our eyes locked as soon as I raised my head. "What?" I find myself asking. He just shrugs and motions me out through the back. He's so awkward. What is so hard about speaking? How am I supposed to know what the hell he's saying by just a mere gesture?

"How many times will I get gestures instead of words out of you?" I ask waiting for a verbal answer but again he shrugs. Argh! Someone knock some sense into this guy. He's seriously getting on my nerves!
As if on cue, I hear a car pack outside. It ain't as loud as the jeep so it ain't Ad. Must be Hunter.

"G?" he calls coming in. Definitely Hunter.
"Hunter?" I scream and run to him as soon as I see him. We do our fist bump thingy before he wraps me in a tight hug that has me off the ground.
"Hey, G. Missed me?" he asks as he puts me back on the ground.
"Of course I did Hunt. C'mon, how was your mini-vacation?" I ask immediately.

"Hi dude," he calls and they do the nod thing that guys do as we walk away. I feel shivers down my spine when I look into the guarded eyes staring back at mine.

Wait! You don't know who Hunt is, do you?
Sorry. Meet Hunter White. The only jock who's kind enough to not break girl's hearts. He has blonde hair that is always well trimmed and icy blue eyes that are always full of happiness and warmth.

Are you dumb or something? Did you or did you not say icy and warmth in the same sentence?
Argh! Not you again voice in my head! I do a mental eye roll.

We walk into Hunt's and Marco's room and sit on one bed as he unpacks his stuff. Marco is the guy riding with Ad and Nessa, just in case you forgot.

Oh no, we didn't forget that you also have a crush on him.

"I honestly don't think I will ever join my rents ever again. They are so annoying. 'Hunter, go talk to some girls.' 'Hunter, get your mom a drink.' 'Hunter stop being a killjoy and play pool with your man.' Generally, G, it sucked. I left them at the airport and took their ride here, leaving them to call the chauffeur," he complains.

I think you need to know a little bit more about him. He's the Governor's only son so he gets a lot of pampering from his mom, the governor's wife. He acts the complete opposite though. You'd obviously miss the details if you watched the way he related to people. He's so kind, just like his parents and carries a smile on his hot face wherever he goes.

Ew! Did you just call his face hot?.
Just stating the obvious. Or should I say his hot self? Your choice.

"Anyway, enough about that. Tell me how you ended up alone with that Booker guy," he sat next to me and I huffed. "C' mon, it can't be that bad. Last time I checked you didn't even know who he was." Yeah, you guessed it. Hunt is the third party to our little bff group.
I forgot he's been gone for nearly 2 weeks.
I narrate it all to him from the day I met him to now. Leaving out the unreadable thing I have noticed he has in his eyes. Unfortunately, I spill that I think he looks sort of a Greek god.

"Nice to know your thoughts, princess," I hear his voice at the door.
Hunter just chuckles.
"What do you want Booker?" I retort not turning to face him since I know, from hunter's look, my face is flaming.
"You," he simply says and I feel air jerk into my lungs.

"W-Well," Hunt started getting up.
Please don't leave me here. I beg him mentally.

Won't work, dummy.
I know, shut up!

"I'll go make something that can actually fill people's stomachs," he says and places a kiss on my head as if to wish me luck, before walking away.

Watch your back, Hunt. I will get even, I promise.

I take a deep breath and turn to Zayne. He's leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pocket and eyes fixed on me.
"What? I was actually having a good time until you appeared," I snap.

"Oh, Princess, I can show you a good time if you are up to it." He continues before i can come up with a good comeback. "If having a good time means talking about me then please grace me with your company and take a walk along the beach," he says almost whispering and turns to leave already.
Since I have nothing better to do, I remove my denim jacket and sneakers, change into sandals and follow him out through the back.

We walk along the beach for a very long time in comfortable silence until we get to some rocks and he sits.
"Why ask for a company when you know you'll be quiet as if I don't even exist?"
"I didn't know I had to be a chatterbox whenever I have company," he snaps lying back on the sand.

WHAT!! How dare he?

"Have fun on your own miserable lonely self, Booker," I spat and stand.
Anger flashes in his eyes and the next thing I know I am between the sand and his hard body, with my hands held in his above my head.
"I hate it when people pick on me, Princess. Leave my life the fuck alone!" he says between his teeth. He's so angry that there's a prominent vein in his forehead and his neck is flaming red.
"Ha! Says the guy who asked me to tag along. This is so stupid. Let me go," I wiggle around trying to free my body.

"I asked you here to make you a deal. I understand you're daddy's little girl, who's afraid of everything, but your introverted life bores me to death. So, are you up to it?" he says staring into my eyes. He needs to stop doing that and I need to move from under him!
"Zayne," I call out faintly almost whining," you're hurting me," he immediately rolls over to the side and I get comfortable.
"That was a false call and no, I am not afraid of making a deal with you. I have to prove to some jerk that am not a scared kid who cries over thunderstorms," I say looking at the clouds making shapes out of them. He kinda chuckles and mutters a can't wait.
"Then you are going to be my company. You will go everywhere I go, do everything I do and not leave my side anytime."
"Why do you need me by your side? I think it is obvious that I dont enjoy your company at all," I ask facing him. "I knew you would chicken out. I just didn't know it would be before the deal even began," he snickered. 
Chicken out? really? I may be a nerd but I am no chicken. Moreover, there was nothing to lose, right? "We have a deal, Booker."

We fall into a comfortable silence and I feel my heavy eyelids shut. The only thought on my mind was I just made a deal with the devil.

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