Chapter 17: Games with the Boyfriend

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(Celia's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open seein I'm on Kevin's bed. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way and snuggled against Kevin. His arms were wrapped around my waist which made me smile shyly as I snuggled my head against his chest. I heard his calm and steady breathing and heatbeat which made me smile.

I kissed his chest and looked seein he was still sleepin. I smiled tiredly and looked seein a small purple mark on his neck which made me giggle softly assumin I'm going to have one as well and hopefully Sean doesn't kill us.

I brought my hand up and gently played with Kevin's stubble because it's cute and he's hot with facial hair. I saw a small smile form on his face which made him chuckle softly and flutter his eyes open. I smiled softly "Mornin" I whispered,

He smiled softly "Mornin" he said, "what are ya doin?" he asked, I giggled "I like your facial hair. Makes you sexier" I said, Kevin smiled and chuckled which made me giggle "Thanks for the ego booster" he said, I smiled and rolled my eyes as I ran my finger up and down his jawline.

Kevin sighed a bit "I like when you do that" he said, I giggled and smiled as I continued to do it which made Kevin groan a bit. I blushed shyly as I sat up and stretched, "what time is it?" Kevin asked, I looked at the clock and sighed "only 8am" I said,

He groaned which made me giggle a little. Kevin pulled my arm back down makin me squeak as I lied back on the bed. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me which made me blush a bit "You're not goin anywhere yet" he said, I smiled and rolled my eyes "fine. Whatever ya want Kevie" I said,

He smiled softly "what should we do today?" He asked, I thought for a minute "Videogames?" I asked, he chuckled "I like the way you think" he said, I giggled and smiled "What should we play?" I asked, Kevin thought for a moment "Ooh we can play Five Nights at Freddy's then I can teach ya how to play with the VR" He said,

I smiled "sounds like fun" I said, he smiled softly as we just lied in bed in silence until it started to rain which made us laugh a bit "ahh good ol' Ireland" I said, Kevin rolled his eyes which made me smile as I looked seeing the rain pittering and pattering against the window.

I smiled softly "I wish I can go play in it" I said, Kevin raised an eyebrow at me "remember what happened last time you were out in the rain?" He asked, I pouted a bit "don't remind me" I said, he smiled "at least you're better now huh?" he asked, I smiled softly and nodded "your kisses heal all" I said,

Kevin chuckled "Well in that case" he said and pampered my face with kisses which made me giggle and squeak a bit. He chuckled and pressed his lips against mine which made me smile and kiss back. He hovered over me which made me smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers thru his soft hair.

The kiss was very sweet, lingerin and passionate like always. He pulled away which made me blush and smile "How do ya feel now?" he asked, I giggled "so much better" I said, he smiled "good" He said and kissed my nose which made me giggle and scrunch it up a bit.

He smiled and rolled off me which made me smile "I'll go make us coffee while you set up the games" I said, Kevin nodded as I hopped off his bed stretchin and yawnin and headed out of his room and downstairs to his kitchen. I brewed some coffee and sighed as I grabbed 2 mugs and waited for the coffee to be done.

When it was, I poured us some coffee then headed back upstairs to Kevin's office seein him on his computer settin up the games. I smiled as I went over and set our mugs on his desk. He smiled softly and pulled me on his lap "Alright, are ya ready?" he asked,

I giggled "Not really. I've played Fnaf before but like never really got into it cause it's feckin scary" I said, Kevin chuckled "I feel ya...I mean I never got around to it and we're 6 years too late...Sorry Scott" he said, I giggled and smiled as we started up the game "Alright, I have no idea what I'm doin, but $120 a week? That's kinda shit" he said,

The Risk of Falling in Love (CallMeKevin Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang