Chapter 12: Insecurities

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(Celia's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to my same old bedroom in my same old house I've been livin in for years now. I sighed and groaned as I felt arms around my waist which made me blush and smile as I looked seein it was Kevin like always.

I blushed and smiled as I turned and snuggled against him. My phone went off which made me sigh as I turned it off and sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. I carefully hopped out of bed stretching and yawing. I headed to my dresser, hopped out of my pj's and into jeans and a sweater. I brushed my hair, put on a beanie and slid on my shoes.

I heard Kevin stir which made me smile as I sat at the edge of the bed as Kevin fluttered his eyes open and looked at me, I smiled "mornin sleepyhead" I said, he smiled tiredly "Mornin. What are you doin up?" He asked groggily.

I giggled and smiled "I have work silly" I said, he smiled tiredly "right, right. Okay. I'll come by later then and keep ya company" he said, I smiled and nodded as I kissed his nose and lips "I'll see ya later Kev" I said, he smiled as he grabbed my chin and gently kissed my lips which made me blush and smile. The kiss was sweet, lingering and passionate "I love you. I'll see you later" he said, I scrunched up my nose a bit "I love you too" I said, as I headed out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen seeing Sean.

He looked at me and smiled "Mornin Sis" he said, I smiled "Mornin. I'm going to work and won't be back till late. Kevin's still asleep so he'll be at my work later" I said, Sean nodded "Okay, I'll see you later sis" he said, I smiled and nodded as I headed out of the house greeted by the cold air and cloudy skies. I took a deep breath and sighed as I walked to work.

When I got to work, I walked in and sighed as I walked behind the counter and put on my apron. At least I don't have to open up either cause that means I gotta get up at 5am to open up and shtuff like that and I am not ready for that...I'm good with locking up.

I sighed as I brewed myself some coffee and warmed myself up a muffin. My co-workers greeted me which made me smile as I greeted them back. I sipped my coffee and sighed as me and my co-workers took people's orders and just do what we always do.

I thought about last night and these past few weeks which made me blush and smile...this is the happiest I have been in all my 23 years of living...and I couldn't have done it if Sean hasn't introduced me to his Irish friends and I wouldn't have met Kevin or the others...

I still feel a little sick in the head and I know things inside me and my fears won't go away overnight let alone over a few days, weeks, months even years but I'm just kinda hoping they will overtime and I don't have to worry Sean or Kevin...

I guess I still worry about my insecurities, depression and fears getting in the way of things ya know? I mean I never got treated for those things and while yes, I am happy...I fear it not lasting long...and my brain loves playing tricks on me and killin me from the inside out...

I couldn't help but look around the café seeing many people, with their friends, family, partners and such...I also couldn't help but look at all the girls...Irish girls are very pretty and well growing up, I never thought I was cause not only was I invisible and lonely my entire life but I never got compliments before...

I mean aside from Sean sometimes but he's my brother and I don't know...I didn't think much of it ya know...growing up, I always compared myself to other girls ya know...I mean who doesn't do that? And growing up I never thought I was pretty or anything hence why I am the way that I am...

Now, I couldn't help but just stare at all the girls in here...even my co-workers...and I couldn't help but think that they were just prettier than I was and that Kevin could do so much better than me...and I've been thinking...he REALLY could...

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