Chapter 7: Shy Feelings

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(Kevin's Pov)

This morning I texted Celia if she wanted to play Mario Kart with me and the others and she was done for it. Around 10am, she joined the group chat which made me smile as we talked for a moment then played the game. Turns out Celia was better than everyone at the game, but it was funny when she made jokes, cursed in Irish at Sean and just beat me and the others. She was just so beautiful when she smiled and laughed.

After we all played, Celia suggested we all go get lunch together and her saying that made my heart skip a beat and stomach churn nervously...I normally don't leave my house along with the other lads but she really wanted to meet us in person so we agreed.

We all said bye and hopped off our computers and got ready. I was really nervous to meet her in person. I mean it's different when it's thru a screen but IRL? I'm not sure what to expect. I also wanted to make a good first impression so I took a quick shower, wore simple jeans and a sweater since it looked cold out.

I slid on my shoes and headed to the place where Celia wanted us to meet. We all lived in different parts or Ireland so it took a bit to get there, but once we did, I greeted the other boys as we just waited for Sean and Celia.

After a few minutes, the front door opened to reveal familiar faces. We stood up to greet them as they walked towards us. My eyes immediately landed on Celia and wow...she was more beautiful in person...I mean not saying she wasn't beautiful before but just saying it's different from a screen than IRL, but wow...I couldn't look away from her.

She looked quiet nervous as well, turns out she's never had friends before so she's not exactly sure what to do and she was small, only about 5'4 while we were so much taller compared to her.

We all sat down and got to talking while Sean ordered us food. We all just asked questions about her likes and dislikes and it turns out we have a lot in common. We also LOVE red panda's which is great and her laugh and smile are even more adorable in person...I just can't seem to take my eyes away from her.

When Sean came back with our food, we all just ate and talked about videogames and such. It seemed Celia was having a good time and that made me happy. She made my heart pound, stomach churn and face flush...I think I'm startin to fall for this girl and I'm not quite sure what to do...

(Celia's Pov)

After yesterday's meet up with the boys and mental breakdown about Kevin, I managed to pass out from all the exhaustion of crying and socializing. I fluttered my eyes open to the rain yet again pattering against my window. I sighed and groaned as I snuggled against my window and Septiceye Sammy.

I closed my eyes again wanting to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I sighed as I looked outside just watching the rain against my window. I grabbed my phone and looked seeing it was 9am. I groaned and sighed as I got messages from the boys saying they had a nice time meeting me and they want to do it again soon.

I smiled softly as I lied back on my bed not having any motivation to move. I thought about the past few days and sighed as all that I thought was Kevin. I grabbed my phone and looked up his channel and watched some of his videos...he just made me crazy...

I couldn't stop smiling or laughing, he made my heart and stomach feel warm and fuzzy and my face was hotter than the sun...god why...I don't wanna like him but he's making it so damn hard...I can't like him...I don't wanna risk falling in love...I can't...

I groaned and shoved Sammy in my face. There was a knock on my door which made me sigh "come in!" I shouted, I looked seeing Sean peek his head in, "Hey you okay? I heard you groan" He asked sitting on my bed, I sighed and bit my lip I tell him? This is going to end up killing me...I have to...I just don't know how Sean will react...

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