Chapter 16: Lazy Day with the Boyfriend

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(Celia's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open groggily to the gloominess of Ireland. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way just wanting to go back to sleep. Once again, I still felt like shite but not as much as yesterday so that's good at least. I sighed and looked seein Kevin wasn't by me which made me pout as I sat up and groaned a bit cause my head still hurt.

I yawned as I hopped out of bed and stretched a bit. I headed out of my room to the smell of coffee and the sound of talking which made me smile softly as I headed downstairs and to the kitchen seeing Sean and Kevin talking.

They looked at me and smiled "Mornin sis" Sean greeted, I just smiled and waved as I rubbed my eyes tiredly "How are ya feelin?" Kevin asked coming up to me, I smiled softly "better" I said, Kevin smiled and kissed my head which made me blush and smile shyly "That's good" he said,

I just nodded "What do you wanna do today?" Kevin asked, I just shrugged as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee. I sat on the counter as Kevin slid between my legs. I smiled as I sipped my coffee and set it down then wrapped my arms around his neck.

He smiled and wrapped his around my waist and hugged me tightly which made me do the same. Sean awed "You guys are just too fecking cute" He said, me and Kevin blushed and smiled a bit "I should probably get goin then. I have some things to do and you seem to be doin better" Kevin said, I just nodded "I'll come over later and you and me can have a lazy day" I said,

Kevin chuckled and nodded as he pampered my face and lips with kisses which made me blush, smile and giggle "If you get me sick, I'll murder ya" he said sternly. I just smiled and rolled my eyes "Alright Jim Pickens have fun with that" I said, he laughed and shook his head as he headed out of the house and back to his place.

Sean looked at me and smiled which made me do the same "How are ya feelin?" he asked, "I'm doing okay. Better's just hard ya know" I said, Sean nodded and came up to me "You could have told me things were hard. I would've understand" he said sounding hurt.

I frowned "I-I know...but I didn't want ta disappoint ya or make you feel sad or like you're responsible for it cause yer not. I-I didn't wanna weigh you down or feel like it's your fault cause it's not and y-you're always so happy, I-I didn't wanna ruin that" I said and sipped my coffee,

Sean frowned "'re my baby sister, I raised ya from a baby, I will never ever be disappointed in you and the only reason I'll be sad is cause I love and care about ya. I want ta make sure you're okay and I know I'm happy a lot but that doesn't mean ya can't tell me things because like Kevin, I will do whatever I can ta make ya feel better because I love you so much Celia...You could never ruin anything I just want to make sure you're okay and I know life was hard but we're not there have me, Kevin and other always will and I know it's hard but you gotta trust us and trust me that things will get better okay?" Sean stated,

I sighed a bit and nodded as tears filled my eyes. Sean smiled sympathetically and hugged me which made me smile and hug back "I love you so much Celia, never forget that" he said, I sniffled and nodded "I love you so much too Sean" I whispered, he smiled and kissed my head which made me smile as we pulled away and chuckled a bit.

I finished off my coffee and fixed up something small to eat since I didn't really trust my stomach so much. I decided to just stick with a bowl of cereal cause I haven't eaten in a few days so why not?

After breakfast, I decided to take a shower and get ready for today...well ready as in wear Kevin's clothes cause I still don't feel well enough to do anything, plus I just wanted to spend a lazy day with my boyfriend, talk about life and play videogames...I mean what could be better?

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