Chapter 1: Celia McLoughlin

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(Celia's Pov)

I know my brother does all he can to help but he works too much and does so much with his YouTube that I don't want to bother him but I just simply don't know what to do anymore...I feel like I'm drowning and I'm not sure what to do anymore...

Sorry, I should probably introduce myself, the name is Celia McLoughlin and I am the younger sister of Sean McLoughlin, yes the famous Jacksepticeye from YouTube. I have long brown hair with red highlights cause being Irish and all and bright blue eyes. I like to read, write, listen to music and sing.

Me and Sean are both very close siblings living in Ireland. You might think 'Oh your brother is Jack? You must be like him huh?' Well no, not really or at all, it depends. I mean, I don't do YouTube like he does nor am I that energetic and loud because we love depression. But I infact work at a local café and it's been great. I love although sometimes life is very hard but I have Sean and he makes things better.

Growing up for me wasn't easy...well it wasn't for Sean either but we've dealt with things differently and well Sean is perfectly happy now and me...well I feel like I'm drowning. Growing up, I wasn't close with my parents or other 4 siblings like I am with Sean and that got lonely because Sean is a good 7 years older than I am meaning I had to deal with school alone and in school...I never had friends nor knew how to make any so I didn't bother to try...

When I finished off high school, me and Sean moved out of our parent's house and into a new place and it's been great ever since. Sean's YouTube was going off, I found a job at a café when I was 20 and things have been great...

However...3 years later, I still don't have friends and I have major trust issues and it causes me a lot of depression and anxiety. Sean tries his best to help but I don't want to worry or weigh my older brother down with my problems,

So I keep it to myself and suffers in silence...I don't like seeing Sean upset and he's always busy with YouTube so I don't want to bother...but it really does and everyday is just the same day and it sucks and hurts and I don't know what to do anymore...

(Shorter first chapter than most, anyways, I love CallMeKevin and there's just not enough fanfics or stories of him so I decided to make some of my own...But sorry if the updates are slow, depression is hitting like a brick so bare with me as I also just started this story, but hope you enjoy!)

(500 Words)

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