Chapter 13: Remember the Rules

Start from the beginning

Michael: Hello?

Nicole: Hi Michael.

Michael: Nicole! Hi, how are you!?

Nicole: I'm fine, Michael, and you?

Michael: Oh I'm good, good... Much better now.

His cheesy grin was loud in her ear.

Nicole: Listen, Michael, I--

Michael: Actually, I can't really chat right now, I'm right in the middle of something... Um, can you come over? Bill can come get you!

Nicole: No, I don't think--

Michael: Oh please, don't say no! I haven't seen you in so long! And poor Bill has been so lonely, outside, sitting guard at the gate all day.

She could hear the boyish glee in his voice as he begged. She wanted to be firm and say no, but then figured she should probably return the clothes he let her borrow.

Nicole: Yeah, alright. But I can't stay long. And I should drive myself. I'll see you in an hour?

Michael: Yes, that's perfect!

Nicole: Alright.

Michael: I love you.

Nicole:... Okay, see you soon.

She cringed and quickly hung up the line, wishing she'd tried harder to finish him right there on the phone. But the calming way Michael spoke always had an effect on Nicole, making her turn to putty in a breath. She hated the idea of looking him in the eyes and saying goodbye.

Bill was guarding the gate an hour later when Nicole's car rolled in. Waving, he informed her that Michael was in the game room, anticipating her arrival. With a deep breath, she opened the door, not seeing him right away, but hearing the familiar clanging of the pinball machine. This was one of his favorites to burn off frustration. He loved to hit the paddles hard and watch the ball ricochet down over and over again.

Nicole: Michael?

She called out before finding him in the back of the room. As Nicole came around the corner Michael raised his glance, then did a double take, dropping his hands from the game to boldly look her over. She was in black leggings and a thin, white tank covered by a baggy blue jean jacket, an outfit she'd thrown on quickly to get this meeting over with, so she could get back home to pack. He was smiling broadly when he pulled her close and kissed her softly, making Nicole forget for just a moment why she was really there. Pushing him away, Nicole offered the return of his clothes.

Michael: Oh, thanks... You look real good, girl.

Usually she loved 'Flirty Michael.' The way his words slurred together and he grinned through his bitten bottom lip. His eyes were shameless, but a light touch was the farthest he would ever go. Nicole looked to her shoes to regain her focus.

Nicole: ... Um, Michael, can we talk--

Michael: Nope!

Shocked and confused, she watched as he turned back to his game, tossing the folded clothes to the floor.

Michael: I'm tired of talking! I've been in meetings all morning, I'm talked out. I want you to play with me!

Nicole: Michael, I don't--

Before she could finish protesting, Michael pulled her between the pinball machine and himself. His heavy hands covered hers on the levers, the strength erupting from his veins with each bat of the ball. Michael was immersed, playing with force, rocking the machine and bucking his hips in the direction he wanted the ball to go. Nicole quickly grew flustered, uncomfortable again by her body's desire and attraction for this man. She pushed him away.

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