"What do you want to eat?" I asked her again. She thought for a while before speaking.

"Pancakes!" She said enthusiastically. I let out a chuckle and nodded my head. I stood up and held out my hand. She clasped it with her tiny one. My mother just smiled at us.

I brought her inside to the kitchen and sat her on top of the counter. I opened the top drawers of the cabinet to look for the ingredients. I grabbed a carton of eggs, butter, and milk from the fridge. I also took out bowls, measuring cups and a whisk.

We managed to make a mess in the kitchen. Only our giggles were heard from the kitchen. I don't know how and what had happened but Maya managed to get all the flour on her instead of in the bowl. Her face was covered with flour and I let out a laugh. She pouted her lips towards me, sulking. Seeing her sulking, I decided to coat my palm with the flour before smearing it on my left cheek. Then it was her turn to let out a loud laughter. I smiled hearing her laughter.

"What had happened here?" A voice caught our attention. 

Both of us turned to look at the kitchen door. Kyle was standing there with hands on his waist. He walked in slowly before stopping in front of me and Maya. His eyebrows raised.

"Well?" He asked again with playful hints in his voice. 

He faked an angry glare at Maya. I suppressed the urge to laugh. Maya's lips tremble and her eyes glisten with tears. My heart tugged at the sight. I immediately coat my hand with flour before smearing it on Kyle's face. Kyle was stunned by my action. But it did make Maya laugh again. And I join her, letting out my laugh at Kyle's face with flour.

"Oh it's on." Kyle said before grabbing a handful of flour and had his target lock on me. 

I avoided his reach and ran around the kitchen before he managed to grab my waist from behind and pulled me closer to him. I felt my back hit his chest and my heart started to pound hard at our close proximity.

"Gotcha." He whispered next to my ear and my body shuddered at his husky voice. 

I turned my head to the side and our gaze interlocked. I could hear my heart pounding against my chest. His green eyes were soft and warm. While I was staring into his eyes, more like captivated by it, I saw his hand moving from the corner of my eyes. His hand was covered with flour and I began to panic. I shook my head when I realized what he was trying to do. But, there was no point in stopping him when his half covered with flour face was showing a playful smirk.

He smeared his hand on both of my cheeks before moving up on my forehead. My whole face was covered with flour. I could hear Maya giggling away, watching us. Kyle let out a chuckle and a proud smirk plastered on his face.

"Now you look beautiful." He teased. I pursed my lips at him before smearing his face with my hand that had leftover flour, to make us even. He suppressed the urge to smile.

"Now you are even more handsome." I bite back. I squirmed my body out of his hold and went to Maya's side.

"Enough messing around. Maya said she was hungry." I said before he tried to get back at me. I resumed what I was doing before all the mess.

"Can I help with anything?" He offered. I felt his presence at my back, towering over me rather close.

"Um. Y-you can m-make the wet b-batter." I stuttered. 

He nodded his head and proceeded to crack eggs before adding milk and melted butter. After the pancake batter was ready, I heated a non stick pan and poured a ladle of the batter in it. After a few minutes, I flipped the pancakes. Kyle just stands next to me, watching me cooking the pancakes. I must admit I felt nervous being stared at by him.

Marigolds For You (manxman) [COMPLETE]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें