Chapter 16: Seven Children

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Chris97: hi!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Chris97: hi!

Aisha2000: heyyy

Chris97: why do we need to talk through this app anymore tho?

Chris97: we have each others' numbers now

Aisha2000: why this thought all of a sudden?

Chris97: uhh

Chan looked around himself, seeing Jeongin, Hyunjin, Minho and Felix sitting behind him, trying their best to sneak glances at his phone.

He sighed.

Chris97: this app is downright sketchy

Aisha2000: yeah, I agree

Aisha2000: I'll text you first, wait

He exited the app, earning groans from the four boys behind him.

"Why did you do that?" Felix whined.

"She said she's gonna text me on my messenger," Chan explained.

A round of 'OOOH's went through the group.

"What are you gonna do on your messenger, hmm?" Minho wiggled his eyebrows.

Chan fully turned around to face them, "Why are you all so interested?"

"Because this is, like, once in a lifetime moment!" Jeongin giggled.


"Dude, this is the chance we can sneak up on you guys before you two marry and have seven lovely childr-" Hyunjin began, but Chan stood up in a jiffy and stopped him, "Are you serious?!"

"About what?" he questioned.

"Of course, Hyunjin! Are you serious?" Felix spoke.

Chan sighed in relief, "Thanks for taking my side-"

"Why would he have seven children? I say five!"


Chan walked out of the room, leaving behind a laughing mess of the four immature fools he apparently loved, and walking back to his studio, he saw that Aisha had already sent a message to him. He stood at the door, not entering the chamber while texting back.

Aisha <3:




Aisha <3:

What are you up to?


Nothing actually

Just lazing around

Aisha <3:

Why are you me XDD

"I AM YOU, I SEE ME IN YOU!" Came Jisung's voice from behind Chan, and the latter almost screamed in shock.

He turned around to see jolly-looking Changbin and Jisung, innocently smiling up at him.

"Oh, my god, are you two here for the same thing?" Chan sighed in disbelief.

"Are we annoying you?" Changbin asked, and Chan couldn't say that he was, because a softie like him couldn't turn anyone down.

"No, you're not," he lowly spoke.

"So how far into the talks of marriage are you both?"


Next chapter:



I watched k dramas all night and now I'm questioning if I'm in a drama or not


Hyunjin can relate

(a/n: sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to put this filler!) 

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