His parter Pokemon, Drapion, tried to haul him up by the arm. Growling curses, X batted Drapion away and stood up for real this time. "I'm only here because Giovanni wanted an operative with real skills on the job," he smirked, trying to reclaim his dignity.

"Really," Meowsie asked, coming to stand next to me. "Because it looks like you just slipped and fell on your face. Twice."

Flushing and muttering curses, he turned and started walking away from me. Good riddance, I thought, as I turned on my GPS.

"Father said to make our way to the city of Hammerlocke," I said, scanning the electronic map for said place. "The quickest way would be to make our way through the Wild Area, which is a huge patch of land that runs through most of Galar. It's also the only way to get to Hammerlocke on foot. So, I think we should go through the Wild Area. Besides, there are tons of wild Pokemon to catch while we're there."

"Sounds like a plan, Boss," Meowsie said.

"Boss. I rather like the sound of that," I grinned. Setting my GPS for the Wild Area, I took off, my partners at my heels.


We'd been walking for a few hours, and still hadn't made it to the Wild Area. Everyone else had gone back inside their Pokeballs, so it was just Espeon carrying my larger bags, Meowsie tagging along behind me and me leading the way with the GPS. The fog had cleared up, so that was a huge plus, but now the sun was beating down on us through the treetops. We had been hiking through a forest, so it was better than pure sunlight, but it still was quite humid out.

"Hopefully this job gets us a break when we're done. I could use a vacation sometime. Maybe we could go back to Alola," Meowsie panted, shuffling along on the ground. "You know, relax on the beaches, go Mantine Surfing, sip some ice-cold Pinap Juice by the seaside..."

"Stop being so graphic when describing paradise," I said, sweat beading on my forehead. "It's not helping you, it's not helping Espeon, and it's certainly not helping my want for an ice cream sundae."

"Mm...ice cream," Meowsie purred. Espeon cooed in agreement.

"Just get in my bag if you want a break," I said. "There's plenty of room. Just try not to open any Pokeballs, alright?"

"Sign me up," she said, hopping onto my shoulder and climbing into my bag from there.

Sighing as I waited for her to adjust her place in my bag, I decided to pull out my GPS to check our progress. "Looks like the Wild Area is just through these woods," I said, examining the map. "If we keep heading along this road, we should be able to come out near Motostoke, which is another city accessible by the Wild Area."

"Sounds like a plan," Meowsie murmured, and I heard her gently snoring in my backpack a few minutes later. Smiling, I gently swung my bag around to check if she was really asleep. Sure enough, she was out cold, snuggled in the largest compartment.

"Sorry, Espeon," I apologized. "I can't carry my suitcase and the backpack at the same time. I'll make sure to give you an extra-long break once we can set up camp somewhere." Espeon chirped in response, so I took it as a sign that she was okay with carrying it.

Swinging my bag back around, I kept walking, hoping I would come across something soon. After a half-hour of more walking, I began to see an open field in the distance. Picking up speed, I started sprinting, Espeon and the floating luggage at my heels.

Emerging from the treeline, I started laughing and spinning around, blissfully happy to be out of the woods. Instead, rolling green hills greeted me, with Motostoke on my left and beautiful scenery everywhere else.

"This is it, Espeon," I giggled. "We're in the Wild Area! Once we find a place to camp out, we can rest up and then-"

"Karaoke Party," Meowsie shrieked, leaping from my bag. "We're gonna have a campfire karaoke party as soon as the sun goes down!"
"Well, that does sound like a good way to unwind," I admitted. "But only on one condition."
"Name it," she said, climbing out of the bag to face me.
"You have to sing the cheesiest love song that has ever been written," I smirked evilly.

"Bring it on, rockstar," Meowsie replied, cracking her knuckles. "As long as you play acoustic. I hate singing acapella."
"Deal," I smiled, gazing over the vast Wild Area. It was gorgeous, with rolling hills, shimmering rivers and lakes, and crazy weather. I could see a rainstorm brewing over a small island in the middle of a lake, and a hailstorm just beginning to form on the horizon.

"Wow," Meowsie whistled, taking her first good look at the Wild Area. "That's gnarly. This weather is insane!"
"Yep, pretty much," I agreed. "Come on, let's set up camp before a sandstorm decides to come and say 'Hey'."

Project: Titans -- A Pokemon Story (OC x Piers)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora