Safe Haven

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Alyssa woke up, a greenish blanket draped over her. She clung to it tightly as the cold hit her, make her shiver all over. Looking around, the girl noticed that she was in a tent. Alyssa climbed out to see 2 men and 2 women sat around a fire, holding sticks over the dancing flames.

"Hey, she's awake" one of the men said. He was quite old with dark eyes with long grey hair and beard and wore a red plaid fleece jacket and jeans. He also wore a red and black striped beanie on his head. The other woman was also old with long grey hair. She wore a massive dirt brown coat, jeans and brown boots.

"Come sit with us" the old woman offered, tapping on the empty fold up chair. Alyssa sat with them, still clinging to the blanket.

"Billy, go get the jacket from over there for the girl, she's freezing" the old man said to the other younger looking man. He had short brown hair and wore same to the to the older man and had the same features. The younger man rose from his seat and walked off. He grabbed one of the jackets from a bag before handing it to the girl.

"Thank you" Alyssa said to him, putting on the berry red jacket

"No problem" the man replied, sitting back down in his seat.

"I'm Dennis by the way" the older man introduced. "This is my wife Margery and this here is my son Billy and his girlfriend Carly" he continued each one saying hello. Alyssa smiled at them as she was introduced to them.

"What's your name?" Carly asked her. Carly was quite thin compared to Margery. She had light hair, tied up behind her and green eyes.

"Alyssa" the girl answered her

"What are you doing out here, dressed like that" Billy asked

"Billy!" Margery snapped but Alyssa laughed at his remark to keep them happy.

"Are you lost?" Dennis questioned

Alyssa didn't know what to say.

"It's a long story" She replied. Alyssa didn't want to involve them in her situation.

"Can we call someone for you" the old man offered

"No, it's fine but could you point me to the nearest way out"

"Yeah, just through there and you'll find a parking lot that leads to the road but it's getting dark so you might as well stay overnight" Dennis told her. Alyssa thanked and agreed to him and smiled.

"We're leaving tomorrow so we'll be happy to give you a ride" Margery said.

"That's OK, I'll find my own way home" Alyssa replied. They were so nice but she wanted to work on her own as she didn't quite trust other people. All five got to know each other however Alyssa was quite vague when they asked her about herself. She learned more about the family: they came down here from Florida every year as a family tradition.

"How come you have 5 chairs if there's just the 4 of you" the girl wondered

"Mom is one those people that pack two of everything, including an extra tent, extra clothes, extra chairs--" Billy explained

"It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it" Margery interrupted 

All of them sat round the fire and Dennis and Margery often talked about stories about Billy when he was younger and often he often went red with embarrassment. Alyssa felt safe and happy here. Finally. A few hours later they packed up their stuff and put out the fire before going to their tents.

"If you need anything, just yell for us" Dennis said.

"Ok" Alyssa answered before climbing into the tent, wrapping herself in the blanket and falling asleep.

When the sun rose the next day, the family were packing away their things and carrying them to their midnight blue colored van.

"Are you sure you don't need ride or need to call someone" Margery insisted

"I'm fine, here's your jacket" Alyssa replied handing their jacket back to them.

"No, you're only wearing a little white dress you'll freeze, keep it"

"Thank you so much"

The family waved her goodbye as they drove away.

"Alyssa" a deep voice growled. Alyssa turned. Scott stood right in front of her.

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