The Prank

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What seemed to be the loudest noise, filled our bedroom in the morning. Sunlight crept through the windows, glazing the room. Like Anneliece and Mia, I grunted as I forced myself to climb out of my heavenly bed. It was a Saturday which automatically made me slightly happier however an alarm was still set for chores. Every morning we had breakfast, clean up and tidy the house before our freedom was granted. I had a troublesome night as my mind was focused on my father Scott rather than falling asleep.

I got ready, I wore black leggings, a navy and black t-shirt with a white jumper that had black stripes on the elbows. I made my way with Anna and Mia downstairs and was greeted with a smiling Tia.

"Oh no" I thought to myself. Tia always had it in for me and this certainly wasn't a good sign.
Tia handed out plates of scrambled eggs and bacon and when she reached me she said

"I accidentally burnt yours". 

"She can share mine then" Anna said, defending me again like last night. That made Tia's smile turn into a scowl as she flipped her blonde hair at us, walking off to the table. After breakfast, all was cleaned up and the final task was to clean the house. 

We gained our freedom at last and Anna, Mia and I walked together to Mia's favourite park. Mia played on the slide and we pushed her on the swing when I thought of an idea. 

"Anna, Mia" I called to them, gesturing them to follow. I lead them to bush just outside the park.

"Look over there" I pointed to a phone booth on the sidewalk.

"What about it?"Anneliese asked me

"Watch this" I told her, grabbing my phone from my pocket. I rang the phone booth on the other side, waiting for someone to answer. Finally someone did, a young looking woman with blonde in jeans and a t-shirt.

"Hello" She said

"Hello" I answered, disguising my voice

"Who is this" the woman asked

"I am everything" I said in my creepiest voice

"Ugh, your prank isn't funny" She replied 

"Nice jeans" I said, holding in my laughter. The woman looked around aimlessly, looking for me

"Where are you" She questioned 

"I am everywhere, blondie" I said. The woman slammed the phone down and rushed out. I burst into laughter along with Anneleice and Mia. 

"That...was...hilarious" Anna exclaimed in between giggles. The three of us laughed so hard we fell onto the ground, sounding like... well, who knows what we sounded like.

"Let me try" Anna asked, I handed her my phone as she had accidently left hers at home. Like me, she rang the phone and talked like Darth Vader.
The next victim was a man with darker skin and wore a tan shirt and black pants.

"Hello" a deep voice answered. It sounded familiar to me but I couldn't pin it, I was distracted by putting my hand over Mia's mouth as her giggling was too loud.
"I see you" Anna said. Like the woman, the man turned around looking everywhere. I waa shushing Mia so I didn't get to see his face.

"Is this some prank, kid" the man replied 

"Noooo" Anna insisted sounding like are ghost this time. The man turned around around I instantly recognised him. It was Derek. I quickly gestured Anna to stop, waving my hand over my neck. Anna hung up abruptly and asked what was wrong.
"That's Derek, we need to go now" I insisted. I sounded serious but inside I was laughing. We snuck out but we didn't get far. The park was too open meaning we couldn't leave without getting spotted. We hid behind a tree, waiting for Derek to leave. But he wouldn't. Why was he just standing there? He turned the other way and I told Mia to run home but me and Anna stayed behind. Mia snuck out of the park undetected, while Anneliece and I tried to plan our getaway too. Anneliese managed to escape however I got caught.

"Alyssa!" Derek called out. I smiled as I walked up to him. I realized that he didn't know the prank phone call was me, well technically Anna but yeah. 

"Hey" I replied to him

"How ya doing, kid" he asked me 

"I'm great, how about you" I asked back to him

"Good, weirdest thing happened to me just now" he told me making me instantly nervous 

"Really, what?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't discover that it was me.

"Kids prank calling the phone booth over there" he said

"Oh kids, you know what they're like" I said basically giving myself away
"Alyssa..." His eyes staring at me

"Uh..Yeah...." I hesitated but he continued to stare forcing me to give myself up

"Ugh, fine it was me"

He laughed at me saying "Yeah, I know"

"How?" I asked confused

"I saw you and two other girls behind that bush over there" he revealed making me slightly annoyed that I tried to cover it up and this whole time he knew.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I wanted to know

"I came here to tell you something" he told me 

"What is it"

"Your father wants to see you" 

That sent chills down my spine

- Alyssa Gray

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