The Serial Killer's Daughter

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Everyone was left shocked, their heads bombarded with more questions than before.

"Does the girl know?" Reid asked although, deep down, they all knew the answer. Rossi shook his head.

"Hanna, her mother, was determined to hide her daughter from Hills and I helped. Somehow, he's recently found out. " Rossi explained.

"But why take Hanna? And who took her?" JJ questioned

"That's for us to find out"


The case was open and procedures were put in place. Alyssa was taken in for questioning meanwhile the team prioritized, finding Scott Hills.
The agents went through the re-opened case the next day while Rossi and Morgan went to the Grey house where Alyssa and her mother: Hanna Grey stayed. The house was small but cozy. The bricks were a sandy yellow color, windows covered in pastel flowers that made it beautiful. Inside the house, the lounge was filled with fur rugs and cushions with cream furniture that made it look like heaven. Walls coated in pale blue decorated in abstract pictures. Alyssa's room looked like a stereotypical teenage bedroom. Her bed had a blue comforter with pink cushions and filled with stuffed animals. Her desk was messy, covered in textbooks and homework sheets from different subjects. There were many pictures of Alyssa and Hanna smiling in white frames.
"Poor kid" Morgan commented. Rossi couldn't help but feel guilty.
The men searched the house looking for potential clues and reached out to neighbors hoping for witnesses. The first house they approached was the neighbor next door. When they knocked on the door, a young woman with a miserable look came from behind, cigarette hanging from her mouth. She wore ripped jeans, a grey t-shirt, and a dirty dark green jacket that was zipped halfway.

"Yeah" She answered taking the cigarette out her mouth, only to put it back in again.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Agent Rossi and this is Agent Morgan. We're investigating the house next door" Dave introduced to her. The woman turned her head, her greasy blonde hair falling to her shoulder as she stared at the house with her brown bloodshot eyes.

"I'm Hollie. What did she do" the woman said with her cocky sounding voice

"We believe Hanna Grey was abducted yesterday, did you see anything suspicious?" Morgan questioned her

"No" Hollie replied, her arms folded impatiently

"What were Hanna and Alyssa Grey like" Morgan then asked her

"The girl often played soccer on the street and often kicked that goddamn ball into my front yard and sometimes my window."

"And Hanna?"

"Nothing to say?"

"Why's that?"

"That woman never left that house as far as I'm concerned". The agitation in her voice grew with each sentence she spoke. Realizing their unwanted presence, the agents collected their information about Hanna and left. They tried the neighboring houses but all came up empty. Walking back to the SUVs, Rossi's phone rang and answered it.

"Rossi" he introduced. His face remained stern and hard to read. He hung up and looked to Morgan.
"What is it?" Derek asked
"Scott Hills wants to talk" Rossi explained

They arrived back and entered the interrogation room where Scott sat in the metal chair smiling as Rossi and Hotch walked in.

"Agent Rossi, oh it has been a while," Scott said, attempting to intimidate him. Scott's dark hair was beginning to gray but his creepy eyes stayed the same. Rossi tried his best to keep his composure as he sat down opposite the serial killer. It had been years since he saw Hills' face.

"Where is Hanna Gray," he asked pushing a photo of her in front of him.

"Grey? Ahh, that's what she's going by now" he said as he ran his finger down Hanna's blonde hair in the photo. "Pretty isn't she, especially with her blue eyes?"

"What do you mean, 'That's what she goes by now'?" Hotch asked

"Her name was Hanna Roberts, not Hanna Gray, wasn't it Rossi?" Scott replied. Rossi didn't answer. "Which makes me wonder, where's my daughter, I know you have her," he asked

"How did you find out about her?" A question that initially haunted Rossi

"That's not important" Hills dismissed

"I think it is" Rossi fired back

"I don't"

When they realized they were getting nowhere, they gathered outside the interrogation room. Their next step was: who was going to tell Alyssa?

While the case began, Alyssa was being questioned about her mother and currently placed in the care of her aunt and uncle. They never told her about Scott Hills. Rossi hesitated about coming clean, Hanna never wanted Alyssa to find out. But hiding the fact seemed impossible in this situation. Their next step was: who was going to approach Alyssa about it?

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