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Everywhere hurt when Alyssa started to open her eyes and her mouth was drier than a desert. She held her head ,where it hurt most, and she felt something weird. Bringing her hand to her face, Alyssa saw blood. She wasn't suprised after Scott had bashed her head with a bat that layed against the wall near her, covered in blood. The last thing she remembered was trying to fight off Scott before he overpowered her. She examined the room she lay in. It was strange. She noticed herself lying ona single bed, with a purple comforter, icy white pillows which slightly stained with blood and miniature stuffed bear that had bright red heart sewed in its hands. Against the wall in front of hwr was a wooden desk with a pot of pencils, pens and felt tips. She looked to the corner where two purple chairs stood with a coffee table. The walls were decorated with lilac paint with abstract pictures. Where was she? A door creaked open. Alyssa tried to turn, but a powerful headache forced her to freeze.

"You're awake" A voice said. She felt their fingers hold her chin, lifting it up slightly revealing Scott's face. Alyssa used her energy, the very little that she had, to move her head away from him.

At the BAU

"I have news!" Garcia exclaimed as she ran into the room, all eyes focused on her.

"Hanna visited Scott often when he was locked up until she stopped suddenly"

"Why?" asked Morgan

"I don't know but on the last day she visited they seemed to have argument" She explained. 

They walked over to Rossi and explained everything they found out, hoping he would have an idea. However, Rossi was also surprised. He helped Hanna hide Alyssa from Scott. So why would she visit him? Rossi began thinking until he came up with an idea that could help them.

"I think I might know someone who can help" He said

"Who?" Morgan asked

"Scott's sister. They were close, she visited him a few times, but she eventually moved away to start fresh. Maybe Scott said something to her. " The team agreed and Rossi walked away to his office to make a few calls. 

Minutes turned into hours which felt like an eternity. 

Alyssa tried shifting herself away from Scott but she backed against a wall.

"Don't be afraid, Alyssa" he assured

"Go away" She snapped, tears running from her eyes

"Enough, Alyssa" Scott said, his becoming angrier

"Stay away from me!" Alyssa screamed, using her strength to sit up. But rage was in her father's eyes as his face seemed to get angrier.

"I've had enough of your temper tantrums young lady" he yelled grabbing Alyssa by the hair, dragging her towards the bed. Scott opened a draw in the bedside table, revealing a needle. Alyssa tried her best to fight him off but it was no use. Scott held her down and she felt and sharp pain in her neck before she fell asleep.

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