The Introduction To The Case

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An innocent, young girl strolled down her street's concrete path and past the houses identical to her own. She clutches the strap of her black and white polka dot bag, hung from her left shoulder. The girl approached her door and pulled down on its handle and swung it open. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. She threw her bag on the end of the banister, planning to take it up to her room later, and walked through the archway to her lounge.

The emptiness of the room caused a small feeling of worry and paranoia.

"Mom?" The girl called out, proceeding to the kitchen. Like the previous room, the kitchen was also empty and silent with her footsteps being the only sound in her house. The light wooden dining table caught her eye. She turned and saw a sheet of pure white paper. She took a sigh of relief, expecting to see a note with the words: 'Gone shopping, be back soon, love Mom'. Or even a simple Be back soon, love Mom.  However, when she approached the table and delicately picked up the note, it read something far more unnerving. "What?" She said in a confused and quiet whisper. 


It was an average day at the BAU. There wasn't a case they had to focus on, meaning everyone was finishing small and fairly simple tasks they had to do and everyone was glued to their desks of wood. The sky grew darker and everyone's eyes gradually got heavier, most of the team had packed up and gone to their humble homes except Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, and David Rossi. Rossi was in his office meanwhile Prentiss and Morgan were sat by their desks, finishing up.

When they finally exited the building, Derek and Emily headed towards the parking lot to say goodbye and drive home. On their way, the noticed a girl looking around. Neither recognized her as she scanned the building from top to bottom, noticeably nervous. 

"Maybe she's someone's kid," Derek said to Emily however he didn't recognize her as anyone's child that he worked with.

"I've never seen her before" Emily replied. Before Morgan could have a second input, Prentiss was already walking towards the girl. As they got closer, they noticed how the girl was shaking under her gray jacket and was clutching what seemed to be a piece of paper or an envelope. 

The girl noticed them and turned to face them, lifting her head slightly to meet their eyes. 

"Hi, I'm Emily and this is Derek, are you okay?" Prentiss introduced with a soft tone as Morgan gave a small wave.

"I'm Alyssa, I'm looking for someone but I've never been here before so..." The girl replied, looking away towards the building behind them.

"Maybe we can help, kid, who you lookin' for?" Derek asked. 

Alyssa lifted her left hand that held an envelope with writing on the front. She also had a small-sized piece of paper tucked under the envelope. She used her right hand to move her dark hair from her face as she read the name on the envelope.

"I'm looking for...David Rossi," She said. "I need his help". Both agents were left stunned for a moment or two. "I think my mom has been taken". Her lip began to quiver slightly, almost breaking into a cry until she took a breath and composed herself. 

"You think?" Prentiss said. The girl nodded as she revealed the note she previously held under the envelope addressed to Rossi. Prentiss took the note from Alyssa. Morgan peered from behind Prentiss to see the note. 

On the left-hand corner was the BAU's address with an erratically written note directly underneath.  'If you want to see your mother again, deliver this letter to the address'

Morgan and Prentiss shared looks of confusion, wondering how Rossi fit into this. Whatever this was.  

They guided Alyssa through the building and back to their floor and towards Rossi's office. When they reached the desks, Prentiss whispered to Morgan, to which Alyssa couldn't hear. Emily turned to the girl.

"I can take the letter to Rossi for you" She offered. Alyssa hesitated for a moment before nodding her head and handing over the envelope and the note she had received. It was that moment everything began sinking in. She realized how bad this situation could be. While Prentiss walked away, Morgan led Alyssa to his desk and sat her down.

"How you holdin' up, kid?" Morgan asked, kneeling slightly to her level

"I-I don't know" She replied, her pale blue jumper was pulled over hands, small pieces of thread came loose as she chewed it with agitation. Alyssa lowered her head, allowing her long and dark hair to almost conceal her away.

"It's Alyssa, right?"

The girl nodded, her hair covering her face. "Alyssa Gray," She said

"How old are you, Alyssa?"

"I'm 13" Alyssa replied, moving the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ears.

Emily rushed to Rossi's office, the notes in her hand. She knocked on the office door twice before walking through the door. Rossi was sat in his chair, various folders and papers his desk. He looked up to Emily, noticing the worried look on her face.

"What's wrong," he asked. Prentiss handed him the note hoping David was the key to making any sense of this mysterious letter. His expression turned to surprised as he held the envelope in his hands. He examined his name written on the front, but the handwriting wasn't recognizable. "What's this?"

Prentiss quickly explained the note, along with Alyssa, who they found outside.

He flipped the envelope and tore it open, pulling out a tightly folded note held inside. He unfolded the note and read it from top to bottom, his muscles stiffening. His face held back anger and distress, throwing the note to the desk. 

"Round up everyone tomorrow, we have a case" he announced

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