Escape and Betrayal

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The BAU was calm that day. It wasn't busy and was a little quiet. Until...

"Morgan, round everyone up it's an emergency" Rossi called

"Why, what's wrong?" Morgan asked but Rossi had already walked away to answer his question. As ordered to, Morgan rounded up the rest of team. There they gathered around the table, waiting for the news that was an emergency. Rossi stood in front of everyone, wishing someone else was saying this instead of him.

"Scott Hills has escaped from prison" he announced

"What!" Morgan exclaimed

"When?" Reid said

"Last night, I just got off the phone 5 minutes ago" Rossi answered

The agents were shocked about what they just heard. Everyone panicked and were quick on their feet to find Scott. No doubt he would go straight towards Alyssa.

"We need put Alyssa under some kind of protection" Reid stated

"We can't" Hotch said

"Why not?" Derek asked

"Because we have no evidence that Scott has the motive to go to her" Hotch explained

"We have tons of evidence"

"Name one" he said sternly

"Her mother"

"There's no proof that was him"

"When Alyssa came in a few weeks ago" Derek named

"We have no evidence that he had any doing in that apart from Alyssa's words" Hotch told him which infuriated Morgan. They might as well just hand Alyssa over.

"However, I managed to pull some strings to get her 24 hour protection" Hotch suprisingly said

"You couldn't have just led with that" Morgan joked. Everyone continued with their search afterwards.

"Are you going to tell Alyssa" Prentiss wondered

"I don't want to add it to her list if worries, she's got 24 hour protection she'll be fine" Morgan replied. Emily didn't agree with him but went along anyways. Derek did have a point though, Alyssa had 24 protection. It wasn't the best but it would help her.

2 Hours Later

During their search, which got them no where, Derek noticed that Alyssa was calling him.

"Hey Alyssa" he answered her

"Hi, something you would like to tell me" Alyssa asked. Morgan decided to lie abut Scott to protect her from panicking.

"No, course not"

"Oh, you must think I'm a real idiot" She accused

"What are talking about, is everything alright" Derek asked, slightly nervous and worried

"You don't think I'd notice the cop scoping the house for hours and JJ explaining that a 'Scott Hills' has escaped from prison" Alyssa explained, seriously annoyed. Derek felt horrible that she found out this way.

"I was going to tell you, I just didn't want to worry you" he defended but Alyssa was having none of it

"When you want to be honest and not betray my trust, let me know" Alyssa snapped as she hung up. Morgan put the phone down on his desk, letting a frustrated grunt.

"What's wrong?" Reid asked, picking up his anger

"Alyssa found out about Scott's escape"

"You didn't tell her?"

Derek shook his head for answer and Spencer continued his work. Derek could tell that people were judging him for not telling Alyssa. Maybe he should've told her.

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