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Like the rest of the agents, Derek was running out of ideas. Reid and JJ went to Alyssa's group home to ask questions while everyone else stayed.

"Maybe I should try again" Morgan said, breaking the silence between them

"Do you think it will work this time" Emily said in disbelief

"I don't know, but it beats just standing here"

He entered the room and walked towards the broken girl. He sat on the edge of the steel table closest to her and managed to hear what she was saying.

"I can't believe I listened to him" She whispered, her face buried in her knees and her hair all tangled.

"Listened to who, Alyssa" He whispered to her. Like before, she stayed silent. He placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to make eye contact with her. "Alyssa?"

"Scott" She whispered. "I went to see him. I didn't want him to hurt you or my friends". Derek felt angry towards Scott but he desperately tried to control it.

"What did he say?"

"He told me to find this box. Inside was an envelope and a letter. I had to hide the envelope and this girl's bag. The envelope had pictures of her mother, she'd been having an affair and..." Alyssa struggled to finish her sentence between tears. "...she ran away a few days ago and they haven't found her" More tears fell from Alyssa's eyes. "I'm an awful person" She said

"You're not an awful person, Alyssa" Derek assured her, rubbing her back to comfort her. 

After a while, Rossi and Morgan drove to the prison and waited for Scott to be brought in. Morgan's blood was boiling and used all his energy not to lash out. How could Scott do this to his own daughter? He seemed to care for her when they first met but now he's seemed to have manipulated Alyssa. Scott was eventually brought in and given to the agents.

"Didn't expect you two of all people" he said

"Expect your broken down daughter did you?" Morgan slipped out, Rossi shot him a look before speaking

"Alyssa has been brought to the station, saying you threatened her," Rossi asked. For some odd reason, Scott looked worried and concerned.

"I don't know anything about that but I'll tell you something about my daughter, she has a tendancy to let people walk all over her. Doesn't she?" he insisted

"Help! Because of you, Alyssa came in with her eyes are filled with tears and fear" Morgan unleashed his rage almost launching himself at Scott. Rossi stopped him, calling his name and telling him to stop while Scott was carried away by prison guards. Both agents exited the building.

"What the hell was that!" Dave shouted when his phone rang before Derek could answer

"Yes Garcia" he answered before hanging up 20 seconds later.

"God" he whispered under his breath

"What is it" Derek asked

"The girl, Alyssa said ran away. Has been murdered"

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