A Secret

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The next day followed quicker than expected. Everyone assembled at the table all looking confused. Rossi met them in the room, remote in hand bringing up pictures on the computer screen, projected on the wall behind him. 

A profile picture of an older man, dark hair, and eyes drew everyone's attention. 

"Scott Hills, 41, currently serving a life sentence in prison for several counts of murder," David told everyone, adding in the gory details while summing up each murder. "He brutally killed families in their homes"

"I'm surprised he didn't receive worse than a life sentence" JJ added

"Plea deal" Rossi replied, his face turned to disappointment. "Hills found out we were onto him. He abducted a family and we couldn't locate them. However, when Hills gave us the location, the mother and youngest daughter had died. Only the father and eldest daughter had survived". 

The team stirred away from the subject, starting a discussion on Hills' past. Despite this, it was clear how much this affected Rossi, but they weren't sure as to why. There was something he was hiding from the team.

"Hills lost his family after they were murdered by his sister's ex-boyfriend. He survived by climbing out a window and running to a neighbor's house. After that, he was passed around foster homes. One in particular often abused him and the other kids in their care." Rossi explained. "He's a manipulator, he's managed to find someone on the outside to do his dirty work"

"Why are we taking this case?" Hotch interjected 

"Because this is only the beginning" He pulled a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. He pulls out the note from his pocket and holds it with a firm grip. "Now, he wants revenge"

"For what? And why is he specifically targeting you? " Prentiss asked. Rossi sighed. 

"The girl you brought in..." He paused for a moment while the agents leaned slightly closer. "...is Scott Hills' Daughter". 

The Serial Killer's Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें