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Alyssa stood there in shock, she screaming. Blood was splattered everywhere. Emma and Tom's corpses spread out on the floor laying their own pool of blood. Her hands covered her mouth when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head before darkness.

"Alyssa" Derek screamed into the phone. He hung up running to the team.

"Alyssa's in danger!" he said rapidly, it took the team a minute to actually register what he said. When they did, they rushed to Alyssa's apartment. They arrived to what looked like a massacre from the amount of blood that dyed the walls. The bodies of Emma and Tom layed side by side next to each other. The whole room was trashed, indicating there was a struggle. Derek saw Alyssa's phone that she had dropped on the floor before her piercing scream. There was obviously struggle but no defense marks on the couple.

"Alyssa put up a fight" Prentiss theorised when she mentally noted the facts.

"The couple were shot from behind" Rossi explained

"The officer watching over the house was found shot outside the house" Reid said, running up the stairs outside the apartment.

"This is Scott's doing" Morgan stated, scanning the room. Then he realized something

"Where's the other girl?"

"What other girl?" Emily asked

"Alyssa's friend, Anneliese" he clarified. The team realized and began searching the house for her corpse but she was nowhere to be found.

"Why would he take Anneleice, Alyssa is the one Scott wants" Morgan wondered

"Unless he didn't take her" JJ added

"Then where is she"

"Maybe Garcia can track her phone" JJ suggested before pulling out her phone to call her, stepping away from the group as they searched the place. Derek couldn't help but feel that he had let the girl down again. He swore to himself that he wouldn't make the same mistake again but he had.

"Garcia tracked Anneleice's phone" JJ announced

"Where is she" Rossi asked

"She's in the cafe a few blocks from here" She replied. The team were confused as to why she was there, separated from the family. Why would Scott leave her unharmed?

Morgan and Prentiss went down to the cafe while the rest of the team collected evidence before going back to the BAU.

Derek and Emily were waking on the concrete sidewalk when they bumped into Anna.

"Anneleice, we're with the FBI do you mind coming with us" Emily asked her

"You're Alyssa's friends aren't you?" She responded, both agents agreed as they led her to the BAU.

"What's happened" She constantly asked them

"We believe Alyssa's been taken" Morgan told her straight

"What?" She said "What about Tom and Emma?"

The agents looked to each other, wondering which one should tell her but by their hesitation, Anna got the memo. She slumped in the back, tears falling from her eyes. Anna had been passed from home to home. She had good feeling about Tom and Emma but it was snatched away from her

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