The Second Time

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"I'm home" Alyssa called out when she entered the front door

"Sadly" Tia commented as she passed through the hallway. Alyssa walked into the lounge where Rosa was sat on the chair, her eyes possibly going square the amount of time they're glued to the TV.

"Why are you late again?" She growled

"I was out with a friend" Alyssa explained

"I told you to stop being late, why don't you listen?" She scowled. Making Alyssa worry. This is similar to what happened last time when she dislocated her shoulder. Part of Alyssa was scared and tried to avoid a second accident however another part of her was saying not to put up with this. She didn't know which side to listen to.

At the BAU

Morgan returned to the BAU after dropping of Alyssa at her house. He went to his desk and sat down.

"How is she?" Emily asked, who was sat across the room from him.

"Yeah, she's doing great" he said unconvincingly

"What is it?" Emily asked

"I've got a gut feeling that she's hiding something" Derek confessed

"Oh, what do you think she's hiding?"

"I don't know"

The truth was, Alyssa was hiding a lot of things. She was hiding the requests from her father ,her living conditions with Rosa and when she went to the hospital. Derek had an idea on how to find out so he walked down the Gracia's office.

"Hey, Garcia can you do me favour?" Morgan asked, entering the room

"Of course, anything for you" Penelope smiled

"Can look for anything suspicious about Alyssa?" he requested

"How?" Garcia asked

"Looking into her file something, I feel like she's hiding something and I want to know what it is" Derek said when he noticed Penelope's shift in behaviour.

"What are you hiding?" he asked

"God, I hate profilers" Garcia ranted

"Out with it"

"Alyssa went to the hospital last week for a dislocated shoulder" She confessed

"How?" Derek demanded

"She said she fell out of a tree, and told me not to tell you" Penelope told but Derek knew there's was more to it. He had a feeling there was a whole lot more.

"Fell out of a tree?" It sounded like a typical excuse to Morgan. And it was.

At the hospital

"Dislocated shoulder again, Alyssa?" The nurse asked

"Yeah, I'm a weakling" She joked

"I said, stop climbing trees because your shoulder might still be vulnerable to another dislocation. And I was right" the nurse explained to her.

"I know" Alyssa replied

"You can go now, and be careful" the nurse instructed. It was the same one as last time. Alyssa hopped of the bed and left, walking towards the waiting room where Rosa sat. She noticed Alyssa and stood up, walking beside her.

"What did you tell them?" She asked

"I fell from a tree again" Alyssa explained to her

"That excuse won't work every time"

"Well hopefully there won't be a next time that causes suspicion" Alyssa said, slightly irritated

"You should be grateful, I took you in to my home" Rosa told her. Alyssa rolled her eyes and chose to ignore her. The returned home and Alyssa made her way to her room.

"No dinner for you tonight" Rosa said as she passed her

"Great" Alyssa thought to herself. She entered her room and threw herself on her bed. The girl spent the night thinking, going over everything that had happened.

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