The Argument

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"What do you mean, you're being followed" Derek asked her

"As far as I know there's only one definition for the word followed" Alyssa told him

"Alright, where are you" he said, knowing he walked right into that one
"Outside the corner store near my place" She replied
"Okay I'll get there as fast as I can"

Alyssa stood there, staring at there car. Worried that someone might come out. It parked on the opposite sidewalk so it made her feel safer but still overwhelmingly nervous. A car pulled up next to her, calling her name.

"Finally" She said when she  noticed Morgan through the car window and she climbed in.
"Who's following you" he asked
"That car--" She began pointing to where it originally was. But it was gone.

"I swear it was right there" the girl insisted starting to panic.

"It's alright I believe you" Derek assured her as he began to drive her back home.

"Wait, how sneak out undetected" he then asked

"Can't tell you"

"Why not"

"If I do, you'll tell that cop friend of yours where to look" She confessed

"That 'cop friend' is there for your protection, don't you know how serious this is" he snapped but he didn't mean to 

"Right, one: I'm not an idiot, two: I'm not a child that needs to be followed and three: I'm doing it for my family's protection seeming they're all I have left!" She yelled at him, turning towards him in her seat.

"I don't think you're an idiot but you sure as hell acting like one" he should back, pulling up outside the apartment block. Before he could say anymore Alyssa said

"This is my stop" slamming the car door behind her when she climbed out.

"Alyssa!" He called from the window but she carried walking, ignoring him. Derek grunted in frustration. He didn't mean to snap or argue with her.

"You're back" Anna commented as Alyssa entered the room.

"Yep" She replied, heading straight to the bay window, staring out to see if Derek had driven off. He had so Alyssa proceeded to her desk and wrote in Emma's card.

"You ok?" Anna asked her

"Fine, why?"

"You just seem, on edge"

"I'm good" She replied, sticking the pen back in its pot with its other friends. A few hours later both of them went to bed.

The next day

"Are you OK?" Garcia asked Morgan

"Fine" he said dismissively. Penelope sat down opposite him

"Spill" She insisted

"Me and Alyssa had argument last night"

"What about"

"Alyssa has been sneaking out the house" he told her along with everything else down to the last detail.

"Have you told Hotch that Alyssa thinks she's being followed" Garcia questioned

"Yes, but I need a description but Alyssa's isn't answering her cell" he explained

"Alyssa is a stubborn one, let her cool off and try again" She suggested. Derek agreed and both returned to their work. However Derek couldn't stop thinking about the argument with Alyssa and the fact that it's possible she is being followed.

Throughout the day, Alyssa didn't see the car that might have been following her. She was still infuriated at Derek but she was beginning to calm down.

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