The Terrifying Nightmare

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"I can't sleep" Alyssa moaned to Anna, who had almost fallen asleep if it weren't for the interruption.

"I can't either with your constant whining" Anna complained still half asleep. Alyssa sighed in frustration and stared out the window.

"Here take this" Anneleice offered, chucking a bottle on Alyssa's bed that rattled indicating that something was in it. The girl picked it up and examined it.

"What it is it?" She asked

"It'll help you sleep, providing that you're quiet" Anna explained, still annoyed from the lack of sleep. Alyssa opened the bottle containing blue pills. She took one and shoved it in her mouth, at first she struggled to swallow it without water but she manged it eventually. Alyssa began to feel drowsy and as she gave in to temptation and fell asleep.

What seemed like a few hours later, the girl woke up. It was still dark and Alyssa was annoyed that she barely slept. As her eyes adapted to the dark, she noticed Anna's empty bed.

"Anna?" She whispered but nothing, no one answered. Anna's bed was empty also. She crept out of bed and peered her head out the door to see if she could see the light, blaring from the bathroom door incase Anna needed it. But it wasn't, meaning no one was in there. Alyssa tiptoed along the hallway and entered the lounge. Like the rest of the apartment, it was empty. The girl was confused as she looked around.

"Alyssa" a voice whispered, echoing around the place

"Hello" Alyssa whispered to the mysterious voice. She turned around to see Scott standing right behind her. Before she could scream, he grabbed her with his large hand around her mouth that covered her screams.

Alyssa woke up from her nightmare, taking deep breaths like there was no tomorrow.

"Alyssa?" A voice said next her

"Derek? She replied, seeing Derek right next to her. Alyssa looked around. She was in the hospital again.

"What happened" the confused girl asked

"You were caught in an explosion... and you died" he explained. What? Alyssa thought. She wasn't dead, she can't have been. She survived

"If I'm dead, why are you here?"

"Alyssa, I died too"

No this wasn't right. They both survived. It was struggle but they lived. The girl stared dumbfounded at her surroundings. Why was she in a hospital?

"Why am I here?" She asked

"Where else would you be?" Morgan said to her. Alyssa thought, not here, not in a hospital. Suddenly, Derek rose from his spot and started wondering away.

"Wait, don't leave me" Alyssa pleaded. Derek turned around to face her.

"It's time for him to take care of you" he replied


"Him" he said pointing to a doctor that appeared in the corner. It was Scott!

"Alyssa, Alyssa!" An echoed voice yelled. Alyssa was pulled away and brought back into reality.

"Alyssa!" A violent shake woke her up as she turned to Anna who was yelling her name.

"What?" Alyssa said

"Did you seriously not hear that"

"Hear what?"

"Our alarm, wake up!"

Alyssa shot out of bed, rushing to get ready. When she finished getting dressed, she realized her phone ringing.


"Hey kid, I just wanted to see how you're feeling" Derek answered making Alyssa feel better. After her nightmare, it was good to hear his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine, how are you?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm great. Are you sure you're ok"

"I'm good, just didn't have a good nights sleep but I'm fine honestly" She assured. However Alyssa was in a rush to get to school so they weren't able to talk for long.

"Alyssa, it's time to go" Anna called and Alyssa followed suit. She was tired from her nightmare but she was feeling a whole let better now that she had talked to Derek.

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