Explosion Of Rage And Fire

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Alyssa stormed out the room, steam almost blowing out her ears. She slammed her back against the wall, taking endless deep breaths to calm herself down.

"How are you doing, kid?" Derek asked, walking up to her

"How am I doing? I've just learned that my dad's a psychopath and my whole life has been a lie and you're asking me how I'm doing?" Alyssa yelled at him before running out.

"Alyssa!" He called out but the girl ignored him and continued running. Derek followed her, finding her sat on a chair with her knees curled up against her chest, burying her head in them. He kneeled down next to her and gently patted her back. Alyssa looked up, wiping her teary eyes with her jacket.

"Sorry for yelling and running off" She said sincerely, regretting her actions.

"It's fine, I can't imagine what you're going through." He replied, making her feel less guilty about yelling. Alyssa nodded, letting a few tears fall from her blue eyes. "Hey, c'mon" he soothed, standing up and pulling her close as she cried.

"I have no one now" Alyssa sobbed

"That's not true, you have your aunt and uncle"

"It's not the same. I barely know them. My mom and I were really close"Derek continued to assure Alyssa and calm her down. She eventually stopped crying and dried her eyes. 

"Why don't I drive you home, how does that sound, kid?" Derek offered, Alyssa nodded enthusiastically and they both travelled downstairs to Derek's car. Alyssa gave him the address and they drove away. 

"Do you have any other family, besides your aunt and uncle?" Derek asked Alyssa

"Not really. My grandmother died before I was born and I don't know what happened to my grandfather. After my grandparents divorced, he moved away. My mom never saw him after that. Complicated runs in the family, I think" Alyssa laughed as did Derek. He was glad Alyssa was feeling better and was able to make jokes. He could sense her true personality showing through. 

"When do you go back to school?" He asked

"Prison starts next week, I think" 

"I'm sure it's not that bad"

"Yes it is. I have my friends which makes it bearable but apart from that, it sucks". They both laughed as they continued to drive.

They approached the house and Derek pulled up outside, near the driveway. They both climbed out the car and began walking. The house was small, only one floor with a stone wall around the empty yard. The lights were on and Alyssa noticed a shadow in the kitchen window which must've been Kayla. 

"Nice neighborhood" Derek commented. 

"It's okay, but it's a little quiet for me" Alyssa replied. The began walking down the pathway towards the house until Derek's phone rang. He turned to Alyssa with an apologetic look.

"Sorry Alyssa, I have to take this. I'll see you later" He said. Alyssa smiled and thanked him. Derek walked away to answer, but before he could, a huge explosion roared. It launched both Derek and Alyssa into the air and throwing them into the stone wall behind them...

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