~Baby Steps~

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Summary - Hueningkai tries to hide that hes a little from his boyfriend in fear he'll hate him. Soobin suspects something's up and invites over some of his friends one evening to figure it out.

Word count - 5,000+



3rd POV

|Friday. 2:34 am|

Dark. Thats all he can remember. The intimidating darkness that surrounded him in his mind. His own soft cries being muffled as the force of another body shoved him out of his safe space. Wrecking his body with pain and guilt.

'Why cant you be more like your sister?!' He said as he kicked the young boy down. Shouting profanities at the defenseless kid that shuffled away.

Kai cries only got louder as he tried to get away. Body weak with agonizing pain. Gripping a bunny plush like it would save him from this nightmare of a man. Pleading quietly for forgiveness, 'pl-please.. Stop..! ' he sniffled out. Voice harsh from the cries and screams.

Then like thunder the voice boomed in his mind, drowning out any safety he had left.
'You're nothing more then a disappointment!!'
HueningKais tired eyes flew open wide at the sound of thunder, breathe hitching with panic. Sitting up in a rush before looking over at his sleeping boyfriend, still in a evident panick from his nightmare. Staring at the slumbering male, Deeply wanted to be consoled in his arms. The thought of his warmth made his head go foggy, already feeling himself slipping.

Swiftly moving out of the bed, fumbling his way out of the room as his mind started becoming smaller and smaller. The voice ringing in his ears, throwing him off balance as he walked.

'Ahh i want soobinie hyung~' his foggy mind almost cried out as he fumbled down the hallway to their extra room. Bumping into the walls of the hallway, hands shaking as his anxiety started to set in, even as he started to slip.

"no! He cant know!" Kai mumbled to himself painfully, holding his head, whining as he rushed into the room and slammed the door. Opening the closet on wobbly legs, reaching to grab a plush. Melting Instantly as he hugged the plush to his chest. Fully slipping into his head space, falling weakly into a beanbag. His breathing was heavy, squeezing his eyes shut tight in hopes to rid his conscious mind of his nightmare.

The room was so silent, his panick attack calmly significantly now that he had a plush in his arms and the comfort of being little. His breathing wasnt as ragged and rough anymore, a good sign of his anxiety fading.

Kais eyes fluttered ever so gently, subtle breaths softening with the comfort of the plush in his arms. Staying sat there for a few minutes, composing the simplistic thoughts in his head before rising up. His eyes went adorably wide, looking at the plush in his arms that just so happen to be his Tobin.

He had a history with this Plush. Soobin had gotten him it when they first started dating, hence the name. So when he starts to slip this plush gives him the most comfort, makes him feel like its actually Soobin whos helping to calm his weary mind.

Slowly He caressed his bunnys face as he sniffles, silently putting together his words. "tobinnie... want hyungie" he sounded so sad, being little was the worst sometimes. Made him wish the older knew because most times he'll end up crying in want to be consoled by his tall bunny that wuved him very much.

Kais Eyes flickered between the still face of the plush, pouting harder as he whined out of frustration, disliking the response of the plush. "just this once tobinnie, pweasee..?" Kais voice was so soft and whiny, clearly Wanting to go back and cuddle with his warm bunny, but he knew better.
Kai just stood there silently as he looked at the plush, mumbling to himself almost like a babble of incoherent words. Petting Tobin ever so gently, paying no mind to the world around him. Drifting off further into his child like mindset, swaying in place as he proceeded to babble like a 6 year old.

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