~I Only Follow You~

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Summary-  Soobin is asked about Kais and His 'Gum' title, telling a story about how he became gums with the new trainee, many years ago.

Requested by-Anonymousreader1656

Word count-1,780+

3rd pov

Txt were at an interview for a show. Laughing and talking with the host, truly enjoying themselves. Unlike some interviews that just made them uncomfy.

The questions were fun and silly, nothing super serious or weird. This made the mood very light, easy to be in. 

As such Soobin constantly found himself looking at Kai. Smiling at his laugh and his shy attempts to quiet it. Finding his gum truly wonderful, even now.
"So the fans say that Soobin and hueningkai are like gum. Always together, constantly stuck to each other. Has it always been like this for you two?" The woman asked, smiling between the two as  she held the cue card.

Kai smiled a little and looked over at Soobin. The older smiling back before turning to the women. "Actually, We have a funny story for that! It all started in our trainee days..."


Soobin was on edge all day. After the meeting yesterday announcing the arrival of a new trainee, hes been very anxious. What if this kid is super talented? What if he decides to push Soobin around? The thoughts were driving him crazy as he wondered  aimlessly around the building.

The anxious boy stopped soon after finding a small boy, pale as flour hugging a small plush to his chest at the front door of the building. Soobins heart instantly cooed as he looked around for the babys parents, thinking maybe he just wondered into the building by accident.

Walking cautionsly to the boy, "Are you lost?" He asked so softly. The small boys eyes looked up at him, wide and confused at his question. The small tilt to his head made Soobin melt instantly.

"Awe, who lost their baby!" Soobin said as he hugged the small boy, rubbing his back and looking at the boy. "Such a cutie" he smiled and played with the boys hair. Unable to control his sudden want to baby the cutie.

The boy tensed up and looked up at soobin as he was being praised by the stranger. "I-im the new trainee. H-hueningKai" kai softly mumbled, shyly trying to wiggle away. Still finding the hug warm and kinda comforting.

Soobin let him go, smiling widely as all his worry left him in an instant. "Hello, my names Choi Soobin. Let me show you around" he offered, taking the youngers arm and leading the tense boy around the building.

Showing him around to the small lunch room, to the practice room, where all the convenient bathrooms were, and lastly all the spots that didnt have cameras.

"Eh, why are you showing me places without cameras?" Kai asked, feeling on edge for a moment. Worry filling his mind as he gripped his bag straps.

Soobin looked down at him and blinked mindlessly before gasping and covering his mouth. "N-no dont get the wrong idea. I-i didnt mean it in a weird way. Its for if you want to nap during the day, staff get onto us for sleeping, so this way they cant see you if you decide to rest... Thats all" Soobin quickly explained, waving off the youngers worry as he laughed awkwardly.

Hueningkai relaxed a bit, even laughing cutely at Soobins panic to explain himself. "thanks for telling me then!' He laughed up to him, smiling quite wide.

The motioned melted Soobin, he himself smiling before they continued back down to the main lobby.
This continued for days, Soobin was always right there with hueningkai. They ate together and practiced together, walking together everywhere, just everything. They were completely inseparable.

SooKai OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang