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Theme - Soobin x TXT
(Not really SooKai, but just cute wholesome fun with young txt)

Summary - Soobin works at a small at home Daycare, taking in his friends kids while they are at work. (Basically Soobin struggling to take care of children forms of txt lol)

Word Count:3,500+

3rd POV

Like the flash Soobin ran around his small apartment at 7 in the morning with a toothbrush in his mouth. The man cursing under his breath as he cleaned up and set out all the Brightly colored toys and hiding all the knifes and sharp objects.

You see He woke up late and was now rushing to get things ready to have to deal with 4 kids for the days to come. Silly him, having had agreed to his older hyungs that he would greatfully watch the kids for less then their normal daycare cost. However he was stupid to at separate times have promised not only one, but three of his separate hyungs that he would watch their kids, on the same day.

Now Soobin was beating himself up for having not realized sooner. "Good going Soobin, you thought it would be real easy, 'yeah I'll take care of Yeonjun for you, hes like 8.' 'Yeah don't worry, Beomgyu is safe with me!' 'Ah hyung stop stressing, go spend time with him, I got the two rascals.' "he mocked himself, dressing neatly and brushing his hair.

He stared at his tired bags under his eyes, sighing loudly. "I should have realized it was all for the same week. Who knew your early 20s made you stupid" Soobin joked and shook his head.
Not even minutes later there was a knock at his door. Soobin nervously opened it, smiling softly at the Sight of a young 8 year old boy playing on his Nintendo switch, stood beside his father.

"Thank you again Soobin, works been hectic lately and this one despised being locked up in my office while I worked." Namjoon said relieved, making sure Yeonjuns bag had everything he'd need.

"You could have just left me with papa Jin, dad" yeonjun softly huffed, looking up from his game to pout.

Namjoon shook his head, ruffling his hair, "No, cause the last time you two played games the whole time and he almost got fired, remember?" He smiled as a fond laugh eoched out of the young child.

"Oops!" Yeonjun laughed and excused himself as he squeezed past Soobin, sitting on the couch in the apartment.

"Jin hyung will be back later to pick him up. Thank you again. Bye Junnie, dont drive him crazy please! " Namjoon quickly shouted as he looked at his watch, already running late, hearing a soft bye from the boy before he raced off to work.
- - -
Soobin laughed softly and closed the door, getting the boy a juice box and setting it on the table infront of the couch and sat down. "What you playing?" He asked awkwardly, not really sure how to start a conversation with an 8 year old.

Yeonjun glanced up at him before looking back at his game. Cutely scooting closer to show Soobin.

"Its called Animal Crossing New Horizon. My dads got it for me. Its really fun." He explained with a small pout. Looking between the screen and the older as he pointed out all of his progress, happily showing off his island.

Soobin cooed at the screen, smiling at the young boys progress. A soft sigh left his lips when a knock came from the door. "You keep playing I'll go get that" he smiled and ruffled yeonjuns hair, which he just now realized was partly blue.

Making his way quickly to the door, only to open it and be haft scared by a young giggly  6 year old boy, running around him.

Soobin smiled down at the boy, laughing with the young energizer. Only looking up upon hearing a soft laugh. "o-oh! Jimin hyung! This one is yours?' He hums, bending down to the young boys height and picking him up. His smile only getting wider at the young boy cutely singing in his arms and wiggling with the messy rhythm.

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