~Coma Baby~

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Theme - Freak Accident
Timeline - Modern Day


Colorless eyes. Eyes of those who couldn't see the color in the world around them. Eyes that stare off in a mindless state of consciousness. Its painful seeing these eyes wonder around slowly in the hospital room. The light so bright in his eyes yet not a single squint or bat of his eyes. The doctors kept asking 'what exactly happened before the event?' But he couldn't explain the trauma. The pain he felt when it happened tore his soul to pieces. Even now, sitting here and watching the heart monitor, it all seemed fake. Rubbing his thumb slowly over Soobins knuckles, gentle sniffles echoing in the silence. This wasnt the first time he'd been in this hospital with Soobin hooked up like this. It was many months ago but it felt like yesterday, he remembered the day so specifically.

-3 Months Prier-

It was a chilly Monday evening, the two were quietly walking down the street with their arms linked together. Kai walked on the right side of Soobin, their hands warmly intertwined. The sun was slowly setting, causing the sky to be filled with beautifully soft colors. "They say that the colors in the sky indicate a death of someone around the world." Soobin softly hummed, glancing at Kai. Staring up at the sky Kai agreed with a slow nod. "Some say that those who die get to paint the sky with the beautiful paints that never dry. Showing their inner struggles through every stroke of the brush against the canvas that covers are evening skies." Kai smiled sweetly and glanced over at Soobin, Watching as his lips grew into a dimpled smile. Everything was perfect as they continued their walk. Stopping before crossing the road to the park. Kai ran infront of Soobin, laughing and skipping acrossing the road. He spun and looked back at Soobin as he reached the other side walk, seeing that sinfully soft smile.
Seconds later he heard the screeching of tires on asphalt, watching as that smile got washed away in mere moments. Soobin's body was flung as it got hit pretty hard by the uncoming car. Bolting to him as he shook, Kai struggled to dial 9-1-1. "Fuck fuck. Hyung!" He choked out through his tears. Hyperventilating as he slowly heard the operator asking for his information. The sight was horrendous. He was unconscious, a puddle of blood accumulating under his head. Kai cried next to him as he waited for the paramedics to arrive.

-Current Time-

Ever since the event Soobin wasn't the same. He wasnt as cheerful. If he smiled it wasn't as dimply and happy as Kai wished it was. Soobin just seemed empty, a mere shell of his former self. The accident left him partly blind with bursted eardrums, a few fractured ribs, a broken arm, and a busted skull. He had gotten fully better, all his wounds had healed over for the most part. Yet hes still back in the hospital even after he got better. Sadly  however, the doctors think he may be going brain dead due to his steadily decreasing bodily responses.

So Kai sits here in silence as tears make warm streaks down his cheeks. "They say you've fallen into a coma. T-they fear you wont wake up Hyung.." He sniffles and gribbed his hand tighter. Looking down at him for once, seeing the peaceful face of the male before him. Shakily leaning down to place a warm kiss on his head. "I-ill keep you here for aslong as you need me to.." he exhaled slowly, hugging the dolphin Soobin got him closer. Falling into his own sad Sobs and pained prayers.

Kai kept his promise. Keeping Soobin on life support for two months, denying the impossiblily of him being dead. Kai refused to loose him. He wanted to keep him alive forever, but it was both financially and physically impossible. So in his last hours with Soobin before they were gonna pull the plug he sat with him and talked. "I-I have the funeral planned already, a-already got everything ready..." Kai whispered and glanced at Soobins pale skin as the machine pumped the oxygen into his body. The sight was heart breaking as the tears started to fall like rain once again. Spending his last hour crying into Soobins chest in pain.

"Are you ready?" The nurse asked as he walked in and looked at Kai. Kai sat up and sniffles as he looked at Soobin, leaning in close and kissing his forehead, "P-paint me a pretty sky Hyung. Show me that you are safe without my love.." His words were shakey and quiet. Moving away as he held Soobins hand tightly. The Doplhin stuffie in his arms collecting the tears that still spilled from his eyes. With a small nod the nurse turned off his life support. The almost deafening sound of the heart monitor flat lining echoed around the room. Kai couldn't bare it as he looked away, another nurse coming in to escort him out.

Kai walked home afterwards, sniffling and texting Taehyun that he'll be home late. He kept his head hung low as he walked. Feeling a rush of wind blow past him, he was caught off gaurd and looked up and around him. Noticing the sunsetting slowly, hesitantly looking at the sky. He was almost scared of seeing nothing. Inhaling deeply as the colors that filled the sky were those of which of Kais lockscreen. Pulling out his phone and looking at the screen, matching the drawn picture with the sky. Smiling widely up at the sky, "Thank You Soobinnie.."he whispered quietly. Spending the next few minutes taking pictures of the sunset and admiring the slowly fading colors. Knowing Soobin was there with him, watching over him with love and care.
That night Kai fell asleep in Soobins old bed, feeling the arms of his deceased lover wrapped around him tightly. Easing him into a peaceful slumber.
Its 5 am but I wanted to finish this up. Not super long but I hope its enjoyable. 😊

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