~My Demon Pt.2~

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Summary- After Soobin attached himself to Kai he hasnt left, only growing stronger as the days and months pass. Even though hes strong in power hes not fully there, unable to be touched despite his own abilties to touch....
Kai wants to fix that. Finding a way to Make Soobin a fully fleshed body, even when the older says its a bad idea.


Word count:11,000+

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3rd pov

The early morning sun rose upon the city of Seoul, washing away all dark and evil. With crisp rays of sunlight Filtering through the windows of the houses where some people still laid in rest, casting the morning onto them.

Hueningkai was one of those people. Laying sleepily in bed even as the sunlight fogged his once dark vision, rolling over to hide away from the intrusive light. Whimpering as a much more annoying Intrusion burned hot against his thigh, wiggling aimlessly to get away, just wanting to sleep.

After some more wiggling he managed to warn off the warmth and get relaxed, sleepily drifting off. That was until that hot burning came back, this time on his inner thigh. Hueningkai huffed out gently as he barely opened his eyes, turning to look at the ghostly figure that was snuggled up behind him with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Can you stop please. Your hands hurt to much there" kai whimpered, wiggling away the hand that had made firey red hand prints on his thighs. Receiving a playful laugh from the demon, choking on his steady breathing as the other held him a bit more gently by the waist.

Soobin nuzzled into the youngers neck as best he could, humming gently. "I think sometimes you forget I'm a demon Hyuka." he chuckled lowly. Aimlessly cooing at the previous whines that played a melody in his head.

The young boy scuffed, trying to push him away but finding it useless as he had no physical ability to touch The older. "I dont forget trust me. I just, dont think its fair that you can so freely touch me yet I cant even play with your hair. " kai shrunk at the thought, sadly curling into the arms that incased him, but not being able to feel anymore then the warmth that radiated off of them.
A saddening silence grew between them, Soobin thinking on what kai said. He hadn't thought on it much but its true, he can make physical contact with Huening if he makes the first move, but he could never do it back freely.

The older shuffled a bit closer, observing the smallest yet sadest frown that laid on HueningKais lips. Gathering his words as he tried to hug him comfortingly, "Does that really bother you Hyuka? That you cant physically interact with me." Soobin asked as quietly as his voice could utter, looking down at the ball of boy that tried to hide in his almost transparent chest.

The silence seemed tense as Kai looked away from him, finding the blanket more interesting as he let out a deep throaty sigh. Head rolling back to gaze his eyes on the olders own redish brown ones, finding such a beautiful sorrow in them.

"Of course it bothers me, your my demon boyfriend and I cant even initiate a hug if I feel sad or lonely. Cant I do anything to help make you more, physical?" huening ghosted his hand over Soobins cheek, further proving his point as his finger went straight through him.

With a Sad frown Soobin gently grabbed the youngers hand, caressing the soft skin before leaving a warm kiss to his knuckles. He let out a small huff of air, kissing his knuckles again before speaking. "There is a way to make me a physical body, but its far to dangerous for you, alot of bad can come from it if its done wrong." He fumbled to explain. Seemingly hesitant to say such a thing, knowing the younger will twist it.

Kais eyes sparkled with hope as he sat up and looked down at him, disregarding his warnings. "I can make you a physical body! This is great, how do I do it??" he mumbled far to quick, bouncing on his knees as he tried to shake the older but finding it useless.

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