~My Demons~

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Theme- Demon! AU

Timeline- Modern day.


Demons are something Kai will admit he doesn't believe in. Ghost, maybe, but the thought of a demon haunting someone sounded crazy. An evil spirit haunting and taunting someone didn't seem possible. At Least that's what Kai thought as he responded to his friend Yeonjuns text about a sleep over at his house with the boys and trying out some most likely fake demon rituals.
'Yeah I'm down for that, but you do know I don't believe in Demons right?' He sent to YeonJun, sighing as he packed up his overnight bag.

'Believe it or not, we are still doing it. Taehyun got a ouija board and he wants to try it out in the old burnt down house.'
Yeonjuns text struck some interest in Kais curiosity. He thought about it for a few moments, taking in the idea of doing such a thing that seemed so fake, thinking about the 'What ifs?' of the situation. What if it really did summon a Demon? No, that's not possible.

Pushing that thought away he deeply exhaled, packing up his needed clothes and toiletries, fixing up his own outfit and hair before heading out from his small apartment.

You see, Kai was a college student, In his 3rd year of musical arts and liberal arts. While it was difficult at times he truly enjoyed the classes he took, understanding that art requires great emotion and creative expression.
With every class he tried to express this emotional side of himself, letting it come out in his writing, in his art, even in his song writing, and musical performances.

Kai was a hard worker, no one could say he wasn't, but the thing he lacked was emotional attachment to people, accepting feelings for people was difficult for him. While he could express emotions well through his work he couldn't express these feelings to the people he liked. Such as their friend Taehyun, he really liked him yet he never got the chance to express these feelings to him, Taehyun was happily in a relationship with someone else and Kai just had to except that.
On his walk to Yeonjuns apartment he found himself lost in his music that blasted through his ears, filling his mind with thoughts and questions about the unknown, letting these questions silence the busy streets and talking people around him. Kai glanced around himself, for a second he didnt recognize the area, thinking he might have lost his way while lost in thoughts.

"HueningKai!" A familiar voice laughed as a slightly shorter boy ran up to him, his bright smile and cheery attitude clicked the memory of the boy in Kais mind.

"Hi Beomgyu Hyung~ Are you going to Yeonjuns place to?" Kai asked nervously as he took his earbuds out and walked with Beomgyu who seemed to skip as he walked.

"Yes! Its gonna be a lot of fun I think, Being around Taehyun and Yeonjunnie~" Beomgyus voice seemed to cooe at the mention of Yeonjun, causing Kai to grow suspicious. "So you and Yeonjun Hyung, you guys always seem so close." Kai smirked and glanced at the skipping older who slowly stopped and nervously laughed, "W-We do?" Beomgyu's nervous laughter and slight increase in walking paste indicated he was hiding something.

Kai chuckled softly and held back his laughter behind a bright smile. Continuing to walk with the shy Beomgyu who eventually went back to skipping.
- -
As they arrived at Yeonjuns apartment Kai laughed at Beomgyu's excited knocking. The older couldn't stop his pure excitement that coursed through his small body, watching how he bounced on his heels and smiling widely.

Yeonjun answered the door and his face lit up as he looked at Beomgyu, Kai glanced between the two as he noticed their fond stares at one another. Kai chuckled and slid in beside Yeonjun, "I'm just gonna go find Taehyun." The youngest laughed and walked in after discarding his shoes, looking around for the other young boy.

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