~Baby Hyuka~

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Summary- When Hueningkai finds himself sickly and stressing over a dance he was having trouble on, his hyungs agree to take him home for the day. On the way home they notice Kai slip into baby space, spending the rest of their day tending to their youngest.

Word Count: 4,000+

Requested by: aietorres

Warning: MENTIONS OF BABY SPACE! This includes non verbal words, crying, and some mock breastfeeding! If these things make you uncomfy please don't read!

|Wednesday. 5:24 pm|

It had been a long week thus far for the five boys. They were busting their asses to learn this new choreography before the end of the week for a performance  on a music show. While this was good for their image, it was wearing on the members heavily. Hueningkai was no exception.

As he fumbled on his feet for the millionth time the others stopped and turned the music off. "Lets just take a break, we woke up early so we deserve a few minutes" Soobin announced  tiredly, watching as everyone dispersed. Some laying down and others getting some water.

His eyes however landed on hueningkai who looked so stressed as he tried to continue to practice. This made soobin sigh loudly as he made his way over to the youngest and hugged him to stop him from dancing. "Take a break huening, we are all tired and we don't need you feeling unwell okay?" He hummed caringly as he pulled away and looked at the youngest.

Kai shook his head and scruntched his eyebrows in frustration that he couldnt get the moves right. "B-but I need to get this down or else I'll be only holding everyone behind" he tried to explain but was silenced as soobin hushed him softly.

Staring the boy in his eyes as he held his cheeks. "Come rest,  we will help you after we take a break okay?" He cooed, kissing kais forehead before sitting on the floor as he almost forced Kai to do the same. But even as kai sat down he was thinking on how to improve.

Laying on soobins lap since the male insisted. Petting his hair to calm his stressed nerves the best he could.
It wasnt helping but it was nice to feel close to his hyung.

- -

However even after their break hueningkai was still doing badly. He was unable to focus and wasn't making progress to get better. Mid way through their 6th run hyuka messed up. This was his last straw as he watched them all stop at the mess up. Kai hung his head in shame as he tried to hold back the tears that pricked his eyes and threaten to spill down his cheeks. "I-im sorry h-hy-hyungs. I-im just not f-feeling good" he sniffled and fiddled with his hands as the silence felt suffocating

Beomgyu turned the music off before they all glanced between each other in silence. Yeonjun finally speaking up as he pat kais back, "We'll pick this back up tomorrow okay? Let's go home hyuka" he hummed and tried to look at the youngers face as he pouts. Comfortably  ruffling kais hair as Soobin also came to support and comfort their youngest.

Taehyun wanted to give Kai a big hug but held back as he motioned for gyu to help him clean up their stuff. Packing it all up in the bags they had brought before moving back to the three.
Hyunnie finally got a chance and hugged hyuka tightly,"its okay ningning, let's get you home" he smiled sweetly up at the taller as kais glassy eyes watched. Only nodding as he was guided out of the company building by his lovely hyungs who took care of him.

This wasn't unusual for the older 4. They've known for a long time that kai gets stressed easily over trival things like this. So they weren't surprised by his need for a break, but they also knew Kai tended to slip into little space when this stuff happened. Finding it odd that he didn't slip  Immediately, not even as they got into the one car after complaining about not wanting hyuka to be alone in a car.

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