Chapter 11

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"Oh for fuck's sake!" Blue screeched, everyone looked at him with wide eyesockets.

"B-Blue..." Dream trailed off, looking at Blue with a shocked face.

"What?!" Blue exclaimed, looking at Dream with furrowed eyebrows.

"Did you just-" Ink cut off his sentence by covering his mouth in shock.

"Gosh dang, you're all grown up, Blue." Lust chimed in, with his usual smirk.

"What do you mean?" Blue asked in confusion, while looking at everyone.

"Dude, you just cussed, right Dust?" Killer patted Dust on the back. While Dust was still on his shocked state.

"Wow Blue, I never heard you cuss before. But I get it, you learn something new everyday." Horror shrugged and continued eating his chips.

"I......I cussed?" Blue asked, and gasped in horror. It wasn't his intention to cuss, it just came out of his mouth naturally.

"Look Blue, it's alright. Everyone cusses once in a while." Ink assured Blue, who was slightly tearing up.

"Dust, comfort Blue." Dream whispered to Dust.

"Uh- yeah, right." Dust replied and rushed to Blue's side, and hugged his lover while whispering comforting words to him.

"Aish, let's just continue." Nightmare cut in, he was currently cuddling Cross.

"Yeah, we're bored." Cross agreed, and nuzzled Nightmare's neck.

"Oh, shut up." Error suddenly said, in a jokingly manner.

"Let's just play again!" Killer chirped, and hugged Dream's waist.

"Yep! And Geno, it's your turn, right?" Dream asked, Geno snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.

"Hmm, who to choose....." Geno looked at everyone with a focused face, then landed his eyes on Ink.

"Aha! Ink! Truth or Dare?" Geno blurted out, and pointed an accusing finger to Ink.

"So, since I don't wanna ruin the fun. I'll go with dare." Ink replied, with a smirk. Geno grinned widely.

"I'm glad you chose that. I hope you won't regret that choice," Geno turned to Error's direction, with a wide smile, "I dare you to sit on Error's lap, for the rest of the night!" (dare suggested by: you know who you are ;) )

"What?!" Ink and Error exclaimed, and stood up unexpectedly.

"Geno! No!" Error cried out, his face was covered with blush.

"If I think about it, it's not bad either." Ink remarked.

"Nice work, Geno! We approve!" Dream and Blue, clapped happily.

"Yeah, it's a good one." Lust said, while swirling his drink.

"Yeah, and it's about time for Error to be a man." Nightmare chimed in.

"YEP!" Dust, Horror and Killer said in unison, and high fived each other.

"Nope, nope, nope, I'm not agreeing to this!." Error yelled, and hid his face under his hood.

"Don't be a killjoy, Error. Plus, the night is almost over, so bare with me. And I'm not that heavy." Ink smiled comfortingly. Error sighed and took off his hood.

"Ugh fine, what time is it anyway?" Error asked, everyone checked their phone and shrugged.

"10:57." Cross replied, and snuggled on to Nightmare.

Our Fate: Book 2 (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now