Chapter 4

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Error walked to his next class with Dream and Blue by his side. Fortunately for them, they also have the same class, but it's just for today. Cause class changes everyday. They were about to turn into a corner, but someone had bumped into them, causing them to fall on the floor.

"Woah, watch it ladies." Someone mumbled, "You okay, Madison?"

"Yep, I'm perfectly fine." a girly voice replied, "How about you three? You okay?" the girly voice asked.

The three looked up, and saw the person they wanted to see. Ink. But someone was with him, it was that girl that he flirted at class. If Error remember correctly, it was Madison. His once was childhood friend.

"Are you ladies, okay?" The first voice asked, Dream and Blue's eyesockets went wide. While Error was stunned. Did he just called them ladies?!

"Ink?!" Blue and Dream exclaimed, while Error remained silent. The three of them stood up, and looked at Ink with wide eyesockets.

"That's my name, do I know you though?" Ink asked, Dream and Blue gasped in horror. While Error glared at Ink. Did he not remembered them?!

"Yes, you know us! How could you forget?!" Blue asked, Ink chuckled and smirked. (go chuck him in the dark abyss, Blue!)

"Oh sweetie, I don't remember you. Nor do I remember meeting you." Ink stated, Dream and Blue frowned. Ink had forgot about them.

"How the hell could you forget us?! We were your bestfriends!" Error finally spoke, Ink seemed confused. Madison fake coughed, and Ink looked at her. Madison whispered something to him, and he nodded.

"As what my girlfriend says here, you guys could just be one of my fans, or the people pretending to be my friend." Ink said, Blue and Dream started to tear up. (what a jerk)

"But.....we were your friends on highschool!" Blue exclaimed, Ink seemed shock.

"Well, I do remember a few friends from HighSchool, but the names were blurred on my mind. Do you mind telling me your names?" Ink asked, he seemed to be polite. Error looked at him. Ink had changed, he have this calming aura radiated off of him, unlike before that it was cheerful. And his posture was straight, and his voice was slightly deep and smooth, and it was pleasant to hear.

Dream was too busy comforting Blue, so the opportunity was passed to Error. Ink looked at the dark boned skeleton, inspecting him curiously. He was awfully familiar to him and so does the other two, but he couldn't put his fingers into it.

"My name is Error, their names are Blue and Dream." Error gestured to the two, as he mentioned their names.

"Hold on, you guys are awfully familiar. But I seem to cannot remember, where I saw you." Ink mumbled, Madison's blue eye quickly widen. She remembered these three, they were the people Ink used to hangout with, when they were on Highschool.

Madison quickly whispered something to Ink's ear. Making Error furrow his eyebrows, though he was slightly jealous that the girl was too close to Ink.

Ink's eyesockets quickly widen, he cleared his throat and bowed down as an apology.

"I apologize for my behaviour earlier, for I have not realized that you were saying the truth." Ink was too formal for Error's liking, while Dream and Blue didn't care. They have a spark of hope, in their eyes.

"It's fine Ink, you don't have to apologize." Dream smiled, which Ink returned.

"So..... Doyourememberusnow?" Blue asked, way too quickly.

Ink chuckled and patted Blue's skull, but he nodded as an answer.

"EEEEEEE!" Blue squealed and tackled Ink to a hug, Dream also did, but Error just looked at them.

"Ink! You don't know how much we missed you! Especially Error! He was thinking about you everyday and hoped that you would come back!" Blue exclaimed, they all pulled away from their embrace.

"Really?" Ink asked, his flirtatious attitude was back again.

"Yeah! He talks about you all the time! And then, there was no way you would slipped out of his mind." Dream replied, while looking at Error. He was a flustered mess, while Ink being a cocky and flirty bastard he is, he had whispered something to Error. Which causes the other to be more flustered.

Ink smirked, satisfied about the other's reaction. While the other three was curious about what Ink said.

"Anyways, me and Madison here, gotta go. We gotta do something urgent." Ink quickly said, Dream and Blue pouted but nodded. While Error remained silent.

"Bye guys, hope to see you soon! You too Error!" Ink waved at them, as they disappeared into a corner.

"Wow, Ink has changed alot." Dream mumbled, while glancing at Blue and Error.

"Agreed, I can tell a lot of changes on him. He was more cockier than before, oh and flirty too! And then, his smile is really sly, and his smirk is really flirty." Blue described, Dream nodded.

"Yeah, I highly agree. And he was more formal than before." Error agreed with them.

"Have you guys heard that, the girl he was with was his girlfriend?" Dream asked, Blue and Error's eyesockets went wide.

"Really?!" Blue exclaimed. Error's jealousy level went off the roof, there was no way that Madison is his girlfriend.

"That's not true!" Error exclaimed, he was slightly tearing up.

"We don't know, Error. Maybe it's just some stupid rumor? But he did say that it was his girlfriend, earlier." Dream mumbled, Bkue nodded while Error wiped his tears away.

"Le-lets just go to class. I don't wanna talk about this any longer." Error stated, and walked away.

Dream and Blue followed him, and went to their last class together.



Uhh, hey there?

Yep, sorry if it doesn't make any sense. I have no idea what to do, so I just let my imagination flow, freely.

And speaking of my imaginations, it's actually really wild and full of thoughts. And last night, I wrote blood and gore on my notebook,and it wasn't really bad.

I'ma stop blabbering now, cause I still have a new chapter to make.

See y'all on the next side!

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