Chapter 5

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It was an early morning, the sun has started to rise, as the flowers started to bloom. A certain skeleton walked down the road, to his house.

He was currently sweaty from his morning jog. He turned down the corner and walked down nice little, house. He fumbled for his keys, and inserted it on the keyhole. He swung the door open, making it creak slightly, he took off his shoes and went inside.

He plopped down the couch, and sighed. He felt like today was a bad day. A knock on the door rung out, he perked up, and walked to the door. Swinging it open, he was met by Ink's smirking face.

"Hey, Reaps!" Ink chirped, and went past Reaper.

"Ink?! Since when were you back?!" Reaper asked in disbelief, and followed Ink.

"Hm, a few weeks ago?" Ink replied, and plopped down the couch.

"I heard that you're living with Geno, where is he? And how are you?" Ink asked, rubbing circles on the cushions.

"Yeah, we're living together. And he's currently at his brother's house, and I'm doing fine." Reaper replied, and sat down next to Ink. "How about you?"

"Fine, just a little bit busy. And too many sexy chick tryna flirt with me." Ink replied carelessly, while Reaper's jaw dropped.

"You serious?! And by the way, are you taken?" Reaper asked, Ink shrugged.

"Yes I'm serious, and yes I'm unofficially taken." Ink replied, Reaper was confused. What does Ink mean?

"Uh, I don't really get what you meant by unofficially taken. Care to elaborate?"

"Sure, well I'm currently hooking up with someone." Ink replied, a small smile made its way to his face.

"Gee, who's the lucky guy?"

"It's a girl, Reaps. And her name is Madison." Ink replied.

"You're straight now?" Reaper chuckled.

"I don't really know. I can't understand the feeling."

Reaper was about to say a remark, but the door slammed open, almost knocking it off it's hinges.

"Reaper! What the fuck?! You cheating on me now?!" someone yelled in rage.

Reaper sweat dropped and chuckled nervously, while Ink remained silent but fighting a small to split his mouth. Reaper was so scared of Geno.

"Geno, I can explain!" Reaper exclaimed, while waving his hand frantically.

"Then explain!" Geno yelled, Reaper sighed in relief that he was able to explain the situation.

"You uh, you remember Ink right?" Reaper asked, Geno nodded slowly, "Well, this is Ink."

Reaper pointed at Ink, who was sitting on the couch with a small smile.

"Oh my god! Ink is that you?! I heard that you're famous!" Geno exclaimed, Ink chuckled but nodded.

"Uh yeah, it's actually a miracle that no paparazzis has followed me yet." Ink let out an airy laugh.

"You have changed alot. Cause last time I saw you, you were so different!" Geno admitted.

"Really? Can you describe my big changes?"

"Hm, last time you were too short, but now you've grown taller. Last time your voice wasn't deep, but now it is and it's smooth too! And your posture was I don't know, umm..... Straight?" Geno replied, a bit unsure of the last sentence.

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