"You think so?" Deidara said in small voice. "Okay I'll go inside. Call me if anything."

"Yes, you know I will. So stop stressing."

"You know exactly what to say to calm me down." Deidara lost the crazed look in his eye. He relaxed into Itachi's hand. Resting all his weight as if his alphas hand was a pillow.

"It's the least I could do after everything you do for me."

"Stop talking and kiss me already, demon." Deidara attacked his alphas lips with a hungry kiss. Deidara moaned, he could feel himself get wet. He tried to reel himself back. He couldn't lose control. Especially since he hadn't taken his medicine yet. It was so hard though because all he wanted was for his alpha to mount him.

"Ewe they're kissing!" Ashura mocked gagging sounds.

Deidara and Itachi pulled apart. Deidara's eyes widened.

"There you two are!"

"Idiot!" Indra grabbed his brother's hand and pulled him to the door. Indra didn't want this dumb adventure to continue but uncle Dei looked scary. He was not ready for whatever punishment his uncle was going to give him. He'd rather go along with Ashura.

"Stop running!" Deidara chased the twins back into the palace.

Indra maneuvered he and Ashura down the hall to the very back of the palace. They had nowhere else to run. Indra's heart was beating rapidly against his little chest. He could feel his brother's heart beat through the palm of his hand. Ashura was just as scared as him.

"Finally got you, little devils!" Deidara was out of breath. He smirked victoriously.

"Sowwy, uncle Dei." Ashura jutted out his bottom lip in an attempt to appear cuter. It always worked with both their uncles.

"That isn't going to work this time, Shu." Deidara crossed his arms, "you two are in big-"

Indra glanced at his brother as their uncle went off on a rant. Ashura instantly felt his twin's eyes on him. Indra discreetly nudged his head at the little square entrance on the back wall. It was a door specifically made for their pet fox Kyubbi. Their grandpa Jiraiya had gifted them the fox on their previous birthday. The wild fox liked to run and play outside just as much as he loved to snuggle so Naruto had had the door installed so kyubbi could come and go when he pleased. Ashura raised his silver brow. He instantly understood what his brother was implying. Ashura smiled devishly then as quick as a blink of the eye he dashed through the little door. Indra followed quickly after.

"Get back here!" Deidara called. He couldn't fit through the damn door.

"Honesty did you not see that coming?" Itachi's lips stretched into an amused smile. He was having fun at the extent of his mate. He could've caught the twins long ago but the chase had been amusing. It was time to end it now. His poor submissive was getting too wound up over something that wasn't serious at all. It wasn't good especially since Deidara's body was undergoing a serious process.

"No I didn't see that coming! Those damn devils. I swear they're only four but they think at a level far beyond their years. Seriously Naruto never misbehaved as much as they do at their age!"

Itachi chuckled. Sasuke hadn't been wild as a child either. Where the twins got it from Itachi had no clue but it was funny. "It's mainly Ashura and Indra just goes along with him. But you're right. At their age they should listen to their elders." Itachi kissed his mates cheek, making Deidara soften a little. "Let's go get them and put an end to the chase. My brother and Naruto are close."

Deidara gasped, "let's go!"


The fox door lead the twins to a worn out dirt path that lead to a seemingly endless forest but in reality behind the thick wild trees a wooden gate stood where guards were posted. The twins had no way of knowing that so to them the tall tress looked like an impenetrable fortress that if they dare to enter they'd get lost forever. It wasn't worth it even to hide from uncle Deidara.

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