A Horrible Crime

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"You want to throw a what?" Mikoto gawked. She was seated on a plush satin chair by the marble fireplace. The chilly winter air was bitterly cold but the fireplace was soothing the frigid temperature of the palace to a comfortable warmness. A black wolf pelt covering her thin shoulders was warming her up even more.

"Yes a party, to properly celebrate my initiation into the Uchiha clan." Naruto explained excitedly. He was sitting in a similar chair next to Mikoto.

There was a small oval table between them that had their piping hot tea on it. Naruto's red kimono was layered extra thick for the cold weather. Unlike Mikoto's wolf pelt, Naruto's pelt was made of orange fox fur.

The orange pelt's stark contrast with the blood red color of his kimono made Naruto's blue eyes stand out more than usual. "Now that things have settled down I want to do something a little special to celebrate."

Naruto adored the Uchiha people; they were a stoic yet immensely proud clan. The pride they held for their powerful bloodline was awe-inspiring. It was a culture that was so different than Naruto's own that he couldn't help but love it. It was easy to love the Uchiha clan though since a vast majority of them loved Naruto in return.

They knew he was from a powerful clan and they were proud that their clan was the lucky one chosen by the Uzumaki clan to produce an heir with. Naruto had never thought that it'd be so easy to assimilate into a new clan, he had heard stories of other omegas who had traveled to their dominants clans to settle into their new lives but as soon as they arrived they were treated as an outsider by their alpha's clansmen.

Naruto wanted to show the Uchiha people how grateful he was for them welcoming him so warmly. A party would be the perfect way to do that.

"I want to thank the Uchiha clan for their warm welcome." Naruto's face glowed in the firelight as he spoke. But even without the fires warm light Naruto's face always seemed to be glowing lately.

Mikoto raised her brow. "I don't see any problem with that but I don't know how my husband will feel about it, I don't think he will like it."

Naruto resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Fugaku-san never likes anything!" The fire crackled just then, it added a dramatic flare to Naruto's statement.

Mikoto giggled and nodded her head. "It's true. My husband is very hard to please."

"Then it's settled we're throwing a party, maybe I can do something special for Sasuke like a dance! I can dress in traditional Uzumaki dance clothing! I'll need to send Konan into town to buy the required garments; I'll need a corset and some blue fabric. Oh and lots of fans!"

"I'm not so sure about the corset, you shouldn't wear one especially at a public place like a party."

"Why not?" Naruto blinked rapidly. Confusion radiated from his innocent blue eyes.

"I'm sorry Naruto." Mikoto suddenly said.

Naruto's confusion deepened, he glanced at Mikoto worriedly. "For what?"

"Living here must be hard for someone like you isn't it? I heard about how you attacked Sakura yesterday with a jutsu."

"Yeah I did..." Naruto frowned. He was slightly embarrassed that Mikoto knew about how he had lost control of his temper.

"I know it's hard sharing a dominant but you can't let things like that happen again. Submissives here don't behave like that."

"What do you mean?"

"I can see why Kushina was so concerned about leaving you here. You're so strong willed." Mikoto sighed, "Submissives here don't share the same rules as in your country. Us submissives aren't allowed to perform jutsus or other things like that.

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