"I don't know you tell me, only thing I've got from him is that he was only in the league for Stain. He handed the guy an army, practically declaring war on the league. A war between every hero and villain in Musutafu...a civil war. U.A...especially a specific person from class A is on the leagues shit list. You have to prepare them. With the recent outbreak, you're gonna need all the help you can get. If Dabi is a spy then—"

"Enough." The member silenced me, causing my brows to furrow in confusion as he stood up abruptly. "We will finish this conversation in a more formal setting, a trial of sorts."

"Trial?!" I hissed in my seat as the chief dog came in and unlocked my cuffs. "Despite your mission, you still have to be held accountable for the things you did as a villain."

My anger flared as I took a step toward the administration member. "Izanami." The chief warned causing me my jaw to clench tightly.
"Why do I need a trial as if I'm the bad guy here?!"

"Izanami, as much as the administration is grateful for your efforts, it still doesn't excuse what you've done thus far...It's much more complicated than you think. The administration and the chief here are the only ones who knows about your mission excluding Nezu, to others it seems as if we're letting a villain walk away scot free. The world mustn't know that it was your true mission to kill All for One. It also can't be revealed to the public that your mother is in line with the league, doing that will shake society's trust in heroes even more than it already has. If the truth is revealed, ethics will come into play and that will look bad on the administrations part. Remember, our deal. The administration can wipe your slate clean, but we can't do that if we have others questioning our authority."

"Are you kidding me...so what...am I just supposed to take the blame for everything? As if I had any choice in all of this?!" 

"Gomen, Izanami. This is just the way it has to be for now. I promise at the end of all of this, the administration will grant you anything you see fit for all that you've sacrificed. Until then, the  administration managed to get you temporary immunity before your trial. I've notified your guardian Nezu of your situation and return home. Right now, because of the jail break, students are strictly advised to stay on campus. Because of well, your reputation, only a select few have been notified of your return to U.A such as the teachers and your former class. Now," He paused standing up and turning to leave "An escort is waiting outside to take you back to the campus."

I stayed rooted in my spot, bangs shadowing my eyes as I was left alone with the police Chief. "Izanami."

"Don't." I snapped. Spinning on my heel, I make my way out of the interrogation room, to see Endeavor in all his blazing glory glaring down at me. "Let's go." He grunted. I followed the man without protest out of the station and my eyes widened slightly at the chaos the city had been thrown in by the prison break. Police sirens ring throughout the air, smoke, and I could catch glimpses of some of heroes trying to detain the escapees. "This is all on you."

I stiffened at the flaming heroes hostile comment turning my head to see his gaze on the city around us that was in turmoil. Barely anyone was outside with the exception of one reporter and camera man whom waited at the bottom of the steps below anxiously with Eraser head.  Endeavor nodded his head toward the people that stood below, his arms crossed. Sweat stained my forehead slightly feeling his critical watchful eye on my spine as if I was some ticking time bomb. He wasn't the only one whom had the weary look, even my own former teacher had his quirk activated keeping me from using my abilities. Despite not being able to use my quirks at the moment, that didn't stop the fearful expressions on the reporter and cameraman's face as I approached them.

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