"Huh, it is pretty good" Sebastian muttered as they laughed along to a joke told by one of the characters. "Anyways this was something Lucia brought in a while ago, it was published this morning and I want you to see it" he said, holding up the magazine up to his face as Chris turned his head to look at it. "Says at the bottom; Christopher Dalton set to become one of the youngest Billionaire in just a few years before he turns thirty, due to his popular growing business that is changing the world... changing the world, that seems about right" he spoke, quietly muttering the last sentence under his breath.

Chris lifted his brow with a slight shock. He then cocked his head smiled, before going to take the magazine of him and peering down at the front cover. "You know it says your name on there too and we're in the picture together, its not just me".

"Yeah but, you're the brains behind all this, I mean none of this would've happened without you. I'm sure if you did this by yourself without me you would've still ended up successful either way, and-"

"Seb, this isn't just about me" he quickly cut him off, before placing his hand down on his shoulder. "You're wrong, I wouldn't have done all this without you. You're my brother, we did all of this together, and we'll forever be a team, ti amo" he smiled staring straight into his eyes.

"I guess you're alright, Dalton" Sebastian sneered as the two of them erupted into laughter. "I'm kidding, love you too brother" he uttered, watching his smile grow wider and wider by the second. There were times were he often remembered Frank, and thought about the toxic and destructive relationship they had. Even with all the therapy, it was hard to forget due to the years of abuse he suffered under his hands, but whenever he looked at Chris, his mind would instantly drift back into a safe place. They did everything together; celebrated their birthdays together, with Lucia as it was on the same day, traveled the world together due to their business, and were always there for each other through the good and the bad things that had went down in the past five years. He never thought he could have such a healthy, special relationship with somebody who truly loved and cared for him, and he wished that he was the brother he had growing up instead of Frank.

"You coming back to Michigan with us in the evening for Cecelia's birthday today?" Chris questioned, before going to fix the tie around his neck. "My dad and her recently got back from their trip to London.

"Oh I can't" he said, turning his head to face Lucia who quickly shot a smile over in their direction. "Kayla, Lucia and I are flying to Paris to go visit Kayla's God mother for the weekend, but we'll send Cecelia a present" he stated. Five years ago when Sebastian and Kayla first met each other, it was a special feeling in their hearts, and within the first few months that they spent together, it felt like they were instant soulmates, who helped each other heal from their painful lives and grew to love each other, and just last year they had gotten married.

"There's also something you need to know" said Sebastian as Chris arched his eyebrow, signalling for him to go on. "She's pregnant, we found out yesterday..." he announced, whilst smiling widely.

"Shit, no way!" placing his hand on his shoulders, before pulling him into a hug. "I can't wait to tell Precious. You're gonna be a father, man! I'm so happy for you both". He hugged him tighter, clasping his arms around him securely.

"I'm nervous, scared, because I didn't have a good relationship with my father, but at the same time I'm excited... I've never been this happy before, man" Sebastian uttered as they slowly pulled away from the hug and Chris couldn't help but smile at the wide grin plastered across his face. It always warmed his heart whenever he smiled like that, because there was a time he didn't. There was a time when a simple smile on his face was something he couldn't fathom, but now it was everything, now after years of abuse and pain, he was finally at a time in his life where he exuded happiness, they both were.

His Saviour {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now