-Chapter 37-

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Three days later, Chris, Precious and Phillip were driving back to New York.

Shifting his eyes away from the road, Chris turned his head to face his father who was sat beside him on the passenger's seat. It had been three days and he still couldn't believe that he was alive. At times he thought he was still in a dream, but whenever he looked at him and whenever he touched him, he knew it was very real, that this wasn't his mind playing tricks on him.

Phillip rotated his head to the side to meet his gaze and the two smiled warmly at each other. Seeing his smile was like heaven after rarely witnessing him smile growing up. His eyes held exhaustion like no other due to his sleepless nights this past year, and there were small grey hairs stemming from his dark blonde hair from the stress, difficulty and pressure he has had to endure each and every day, but to Chris he was everything and much more. He simply couldn't explain the deep profound emotional joy that coursed through his body whenever he looked at him. After going through what was in no doubt the hardest year of his life, getting to look into the eyes of his father and having him looking back at him made it all worthwhile and having him tell him that he loved him, not once but numerous times since then was the best feeling.

As Phillip lifted his hand to rub his shoulder and then turned his head back to face the road, he could see the worryness in his eyes. It wasn't just the thought of seeing Ian again and not knowing how he would react that stressed him out and made him anxious, but it was also the thought of if everything with the Moretti's would fall into place like he had planned. He had spent the past year being heavily focused on taking them down and learning about them in different ways, and by looking at him; Chris could tell that he was also stressed about the thought of protecting him and the others along the way from haven to see things he didn't want them to. Growing up, he never really knew just how far his father would go to protect him. At certain points, he didn't think he really cared either, but now he knew that he'd die before he let anything happen to him and now that he knew he was alive and well, he would do the same for him too.

Glancing out the dark tinted windows, Chris slowly pulled up in-front of a fast food restaurant minutes later. He glanced down at his watch seeing that they only had a two more hour drive till they reach New York, before going to turn of the engine.

"I'm gonna go get us some food, we've been on the road for a while" he said, unbuckling his seat belts, before turning to glance back at Precious in the back seat.

As he got up from his seat and stepped outside into the sun, he quickly peered back inside to look back at his dad who glanced out his window watching people walk past, and he couldn't help but imagine how difficult it must have been trying to keep himself hidden this past year. Being an incredibly successful businessman who was known by everybody, he could't imagine how tough it must have been to go into hiding with the whole world thinking you were dead. The morning after they were reunited he had asked him how he had kept himself so hidden, but he couldn't give him a proper answer as he didn't want him to worry about him. Looking into his eyes, you could spot the loneliness he had endured still etched inside, but he knew that he would do it all again if it meant protecting them.

Looking away from him moments later, he then turned his attention back to Precious who looked back at him with gleaming eyes. "Large fries and a hamburger with extra cheese and bacon and a sprite?" he asked as she quickly nodded her head.

"You know me so well" she said, flashing him a wide smile.

"I know what you like" he smiled back, before leaning in towards her. "Give me a kiss" he whispered; his eyes glancing down at her lips. Unbuckling her seat belt, she leaned further in to capture his lips, tilting her head to the side. They pulled away moments later, not wanting to get carried away in-front of his dad, and he bit onto her bottom lip along the way, sending shivers up her spine.

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