-Chapter 30-

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Gone are the days of wintry light kissing coldly upon his face, in those blistering days the great golden light above was non-existent, dimming the city into a cold, numb landscape as well as the people. When spring came its glowing rays shone not just brightly, but with a touch of warmth, and a promise of the growing seasons to come. The day is painted vivid by its rays, like a new painting with still wet oils. It was the type of day where the only feeling that filled your heart was a sheer joy of happiness you've been longing for, the type of day where not only the weather complimented your mood but the people around you too, the type of day so still and peaceful that nothing could disrupt it, the type of day you wish would never end.

Chris and Caroline strolled through central park with their arms clasped around each other. The sun beamed upon their faces as their gaze locked onto the cloudless sky. A warm breeze filled the calm air around them, followed by the sounds of children playing and laughter in the background. The leafy green smell from the freshly cut grass filled their noses as they slowly dragged their feet through it, whilst walking ahead.

His arms were wrapped gently around her neck, whilst he stared down at her; admiring the way the sun gleamed against her pale and frail skin. She removed her sunglasses and secured her arms around his waist, before flashing him a warm, pleasant smile. He smiled back down at her and quickly kissed the top of her head as the two of them carried on strolling through the park in comfortable silence between one another.

Looking back at their journey as mother and son, it was thrilling how far their relationship had come. With how much time they've spent and gotten to know each other over the past year, it made them realize that it could've always been that way with them, that all the hate, bitterness, animosity and neglect could've been avoided, that they could've grew together telling each other 'I love you' everyday like a normal mother and son, but that was never the case. It took a great deal of change to bring them closer and closer together, it took everything to not only get them to forgive each other, but to allow themselves into each other's hearts through their insecurities and have the one relationship in life they had always seeked for. But it came at a cost because they knew they wouldn't be with each other forever, it was only temporary for a short while. One day he would have to wake up, look up at his ceiling and be filled with complete grief and pain as heavy silence cloud around him. He would blink twice and then remember she was no longer here with him, and like his father the thought of that had sent him into a deep spiral last year, but this time it was different. Losing both of your parents all in the space of a year can take a huge toll on someone, but the memories he made with her was enough for him and he would treasure it forever.

Caroline muffled her chin against his shoulder as she slipped back on her sunglasses before speaking up. "You're going back to Michigan tomorrow, huh?" she asked, staring up at him.

Chris shifted his eyes down to her as a small smile crept back up on his face. "Yeah, it'll only be for two days" he stated briefly.

"Its alright honey, I wouldn't want to keep you from going to see Precious, nobody can keep you from her" she teased as he slightly lowered his head whilst his face flustered with embarrassment. 

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