-Chapter 19-

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Over in Michigan, Precious was sat in her dorm along with her two friends Gabrielle and James as they watched a movie on a laptop.

She was sat in the middle of the two with her legs crossed on her bed. Her eyes were fixated on the screen, but her mind was somewhere else, mostly on what was happening in New York. She knew by now that Ian and Chris had probably seen each other again and were now probably in the midst of talking, and with each passing moment she couldn't help but feel nervous. One thing she had picked up from Ian over the past few days was that he didn't do well with hiding his guilt, he wore it on his sleeve and it showed even more on his face, and she was anxious at how that was all going to play out in favor of him, and Chris too.

"Precious, you okay?" James whispered as he leaned closer to her, causing her to quickly snap out of her thoughts.

She turned her head to him and quickly nodded his head, before glancing to her other side at Gabrielle who laid beside her, watching the movie, whilst she chewed on her gum. Taking a deep breath, she shifted her eyes over to the clock on her nightstand as it read '5:50' pm. 

Pushing away her thoughts, she sighed quietly to herself and picked up her phone to read through some texts.

"Who texted you?" Gabrielle spoke up, as she flickered her eyes over to her, as her long legs draped over her lap.

"Just some of my friends from my world debate club" Precious replied, whilst glancing down at her screen.

"You have other friends, since when? I'm your only friend, James doesn't count" she sneered, as James groaned under his breath, before rolling his eyes away

"Its just two other girls and a guy, Gab. They asked if I wanted to come with them to this Italian restaurant in town tonight at eight... in about two hours. Do you wanna come along?" she asked, placing her hand on her lap.

Gabrielle scrunched her face up slightly, before speaking up. "Girl, they ain't my friends, they're yours. I'm good" she scoffed, fixating her attention back to the movie.

Precious stared at her for a few seconds before rotating her head to James. "Fine... James, do you wanna come along?" she questioned.

"I'm not really a fan of Italian food, but sure why not. I'm pretty hungry anyway, and classes today were exhausting" he replied briefly.

"Great, we'll leave in about an hour. I'll drive us there to meet them" she smiled, and he quickly smiled back, before slowly nodding his head. "Are you sure you still don't wanna come, Gab? they probably have great food".

Silence filled the room for a brief moment as Gabrielle rolled over and flicked her braids to her other side so she was now properly facing them. She placed her hands on her cheeks as she continued chewing her gum, before speaking up. "I'm sure, Precious... and James, if you're not a fan of Italian food, then why the fuck are you going?" she questioned, rolling her eyes away.

"Don't you ever get tired of being so bitter and such a fucking bitch to me?" he questioned, turning his full attention to her.

"Uh, who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" Gabrielle quickly snapped back, sitting up on the bed.

Precious sighed to herself as she listened to them bicker and argue for a brief while, before going to step in. "Guys, can you go a day without fighting? please..." she groaned quietly, going to sit right in the middle of them.

Gabrielle rolled her eyes away, before glancing down at her phone and speaking up. "Whatever... I gotta go anyway, Will just texted me that he's waiting outside... see you later, Precious" she said, whilst avoiding eye-contact with James.

His Saviour {Book 2}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum