Baby Darcy's First Time on Stage (May 2011)

Start from the beginning

Camryn: 17
Darcy: 3 weeks old
Darcy's Outfit:

The boys are at a meet and greet/ interview/ mini concert

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The boys are at a meet and greet/ interview/ mini concert. 

"So as many of you know,"Louis begins walking over to put an arm around Harry after the boys finish singing their fourth song. 

"One of us just had a baby three weeks ago,"Louis continues. 

"Well-"Liam interrupts coming to Harry's other side, "he didn't really have the baby, but his amazing girlfriend did." 

"Right right,"Louis agrees nodding his head as the crowd cheers a bit. 

"And we were all there to witness it,"Niall jokes throwing his hand up motioning for the crowd to cheer even more. 

"Well I wasn't there, I was with my family, but it's probably for the best because I have a very weak stomach,"Zayn speaks up. 

"I wasn't even sick once!"Niall jokes throwing his fist up in victory. 

"He was close though,"Harry smiles, "but anyways, I was thinking maybe now would be a good time to introduce my little lady to the world what do you guys think?" The crowd cheers. 

"Alright. I'll go and bring her out, but remember she has little ears so let's keep the volume down,"Harry instructs strutting off stage. 

He approaches Camryn backstage who has Darcy cuddled to her chest. "Hi mummy, is it okay if I take our little love for a bit,"he inquiries giving Camryn a kiss on the cheek. 

"I think that would be just fine, huh little miss?"Camryn responds giving Darcy a kiss on the head before handing her to Harry. 

Harry smiles at Darcy on his chest and leans in to give Camryn one last kiss. He carefully walks over and through the curtain into the room where everyone is. 

"Here she is,"Liam exclaims. 

"Aww look at that little miss! Isn't she just the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen?"Louis gushes touching his finger to Darcy's hand that's on Harry's chest. The crowd is politely quiet except for a few squeals of excitement. 

"Everyone, meet Miss Darcy Anne Styles,"Harry introduces turning his body so the crowd can see Darcy's sleeping face that's nuzzled against his chest. 

"Cami should come out,"Niall suggest into his microphone. The crowd gives a small cheer still careful of Darcy. 

"Oh yeah!"the three other boys agree. 

Harry looks off into the side curtain to see Cami's head peaking through and watching him and Darcy. He motions with his head for her to come out but she shakes her head. Her stage fright getting the best of her. Her anxiety has also been acting up after a tough night of no sleep because Darcy had an upset stomach and was very vocal about it. 

"You can do it,"Harry mouths swaying back and forth with Darcy slightly. Camryn shakes her head again shutting the curtain to hide her. 

"I can take Darcy,"Louis offers having watched the interaction.  

"Thanks Lou,"Harry says carefully placing Darcy's into Louis' arms. 

"I'm gonna go get Camryn,"Harry announces to the crowd before running off the stage. 

Niall and Liam answer questions from the crowd about Darcy to the best of their knowledge while Zayn comes over to Darcy and Louis and reaches up to fix Darcy's bow that had fallen down over her eyes. "There we are, love,"he whispers giving her a kiss on her forehead. 

"Where's Camryn?"Harry asks once he's back stage. 

"Bathroom I think,"Paul offers. 

Harry nods and rushes over to the bathroom and knocks on the door, "Cami?"

"Not now, Harry,"Camryn sniffles on the other side of the door. 

"Baby, can we talk? I just wanna talk to you,"Harry asks leaning against the door. 

"Harry, I don't wanna go out there. I can't go out there,"Camryn cries. 

"Snuggles, that is absolutely fine. I'd never want to make you do something you don't want to do. You don't have to go out there. But can you open the door so I can talk to you?"Harry replies.
Camryn unlocks the door and Harry looks at her face. Her mascara and eyeliner are running down her cheeks and her nose and eyes are red. 

"Oh sweetheart,"Harry mumbles bringing Camryn's head to his chest. She hugs him back and sniffles into his black t-shirt. 

"Darcy. Where's Darcy?"Camryn suddenly panics pulling away from Harry. 

"Darcy's completely fine,"Harry promises with his hands cradling Cami's face and his lips going to her forehead, "I gave her to Lou. I need to focus on you right now."

"I'm sorry, I just have been so anxious the last few days,"Camryn cries into Harry's chest. 

"Baby it's okay, there's been a lot of change recently, huh?"Harry sympathizes as he runs his hand down her hair. 

"And I didn't sleep last night because Darcy was up so much,"Camryn adds. 

"I know baby. I know,"Harry says resting his cheek, "it's not as easy as we thought it was gonna be is it?" Camryn shakes her head into Harry's chest. 

"I can probably go out there,"Camryn sniffles having calmed down a bit. 

"Okay. Are you sure,"Harry asks cradling her head in his hands, "there aren't many people, I promise. Just about 70." 

"Okay. I think I can,"Camryn agrees holding her hands up to Harry's. 

Harry smiles and kisses her forehead, "that's my girl. Lets get you cleaned up."

Camryn takes a makeup wipe out of her bag and starts to fix her makeup. After she's finished she turns to Harry with a shy shrug, "That's the best we're gonna get." 

"You're so beautiful,"Harry replies kissing Camryn and then taking her by the hand to lead her on stage. 

"They love Darcy,"Harry says. 

"I bet they do. Who couldn't love that sweet little face?"Camryn replies holding on tighter to Harry as they approach the curtain. 

"You ready?"Harry asks. Camryn takes a deep breath and slowly nods her head. Harry gives Camryn's hand a squeeze as they walk onto the stage. The crowd cheers and Camryn shyly waves and smiles at them. 

"Cami!"Niall exclaims rushing towards her and putting an arm around her. 

"This girl right here is the one who gave us the most beautiful little girl ever,"Liam says coming up behind Cami to put a hand on her shoulder. Camryn blushes and looks over at Harry taking Darcy from Louis' arms. 

"20 hours of labor had nothing on our girl!"Niall exclaims and everyone laughs. 

Harry returns next to Camryn with Darcy on his chest and Camryn clings to his arm. "Okay?"Harry mouths to Camryn looking down at her. She nods her head. Zayn rests a hand reassuringly on Camryn's shoulder. Camryn and Darcy stay on the stage for five more minutes until it's time for the boys to sing again. 

"Alright lovey,"Harry smiles down at Camryn with Darcy still cradled to his chest. 

"I love you, babe,"Camryn smiles taking Darcy from Harry. 

"I love you girls more,"Harry replies giving Camryn a kiss with his hands around her hips.



Little Darcy with all of her Uncles makes me so soft!! Thank you for reading!! Love you all!! MWAH!

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