5 ¦ Q&A

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Here is a list of Q&As.

If you have any questions after reading the information provided, then please ask them here and only here. We'll answer you as soon as possible. Questions asked on any other chapter will be ignored.


Some answers will be blunt due to individuals not reading the information provided.

Thank you!

Q: How do I join?

A: Please check chapter '4 ¦ How to Join'. The form is on the external link of that chapter.


Q: Am I accepted automatically when I send in my form?

A: No, your form enters into the consideration stage. Refer to chapter four.


Q: If my form is declined, will I be informed and told why?

A: Yes, you will be informed and you'll be provided with the reason.


Q: How much time do I have to read?

A: Please check chapter '3 ¦ Reading Process'. Maximum two weeks.


Q: How many chapters do I have to read?

A: Please check chapter '3 ¦ Reading Process'. At least 3-5 chapters.


Q: I've finished reading, now what?

A: Please check chapter '3 ¦ Reading Process'. Write your review.


Q: I'm having trouble writing my review, can you help me?

A: There are some questions provided in the chapter '3 ¦ Reading Process' that can help you.


Q: Do I have to use the questions provided?

A: No, you don't need to use them. They're only there to help you when you're stuck.


Q: How can I hand in my review?

A: Please check chapter '3 ¦ Reading Process'. The form is on the external link of that chapter.


Q: I think my review is harsh. What do I do?

A: Send in your review as normal. If we deem it harsh without any constructive criticism, we'll inform you that it's been rejected and needs to be rewritten. However, if it's constructive, it'll be accepted.


Q: I can't read past the first chapter. What do I do?

A: We suggest a minimum of 3-5 chapters for this purpose. Sometimes stories pick up after the first chapter.


Q: I tried to read the required chapters. I still can't get into the story. What do I do?

A: If you're unable to continue, then provide your review as normal and add why you were unable to read on.


Q: I missed a review. Can I forget about it and continue with the next book?

A: No. All reviews must be given in, even if they are late. If a review is missed, you will be messaged with a reminder and a notification of your book being pushed back by one book.


Q: I missed more than one review. What happens now?

A: You will be reminded once more, but you'll be notified that your book has been pushed to the end of the rotation. And you will not regain an earlier position.


Q: I missed more than two reviews. What now?

A: Please check chapter '2 ¦ Expectation & Requirements'. You will be removed from the rotation all together until you catch up. When you do catch up, you'll return to the end of the rotation.


Q: I need to leave the book club for a while, but I'll be back. What do I do?

A: Please check chapter '2 ¦ Expectation & Requirements'. You're allowed to take a leave of absence once a year for a maximum of eight weeks and may return if there is space. If the club is full and there is a waiting list, we can't guarantee your spot.


Q: I need to drop out for personal reasons. Will that be a problem?

A: No, as long as you inform us beforehand. If you don't inform us, we'll kindly message you for an update and if there is no reply there will be a 1-year ban from the book club.


Q: My book has been reviewed. When will I get the feedback?

A: At the end of the session.


Q: How long is each session?

A: Starts from January of the new year to either late September or early October.


Q: If I drop out or disappear, will I get my reviews?

A: No, you will not. All reviews will be given to members who've completed the session.


Q: What happened to the contests?

A: They have been removed due to lack of interest.


Q: I liked the contest. Can you bring them back?

A: If there is enough demand for them, yes. However, in the meantime we may consider holding small awards every now and then.


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