The Code of Us (Feedback)

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Disclaimer: All reviews are provided directly from the feedback form. None of the reviews have been edited or altered in any way by the hostesses. What you see is what we received.

Fifth book of the session: February 27th - March 12th, 2021



Comments: My review on the Code of Us: I've read sci-fi stories that combines with horror or fantasies. But reading a sci-fi story combining with romance is rather confusing to me. I've only read the prologue and the three chapters from it. And to be honest, I really didn't understand any scientific stuff except for the fact that losing a love one can be devastating. Mia, who works at a neurological company, trying to revive her husband back from the dead. She definitely bend every rules on the circle of life. There were no grammar error, but I had to force myself to read it and to see how it looks and like I said before sci-fi is my least favorite genre, but I like how you portrayed that they are consequences for using a body as a lab experiment. And how it is hard to accept the fact the person you love was dead. Thank you for letting me read your story.


Reviewer: SSMarie358

Comments: What did you think the book was about?

There is a lot going on in the first five chapters I have read through. The prologue I understand there is some type of criminal case going on. Before the court case I know Arden and his wife were in a terrible car accident that left Arden in a coma.

Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectations?

This was really well written to be honest and I was bummed when chapter 3 was super short because I wanted to know what happened. The writing is super easy to read and it flows so well. The use of vocabulary and figurative language really makes the work pop!

What about the plot? Does it pull you in? Or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? Any plot holes you may have noticed? Where?

It does pull me in because I am wondering why Arden is going to court. I am thinking maybe it has something to do with the car accident, and maybe charges for manslaughter but there wasn't much I could grasp from it other than I wanted to know what was going to happen to him.

Do the characters seem real and believable?

Yes, they do. But I would really like to know the protagonist's name. I have no idea what her name is. I know who Arden is. Maybe I skipped over her name somewhere, but it would be good to mention it throughout the chapters so I know who she is.

I do feel like the protagonist and Arden are well developed. Their relationship/ marriage feels real just by the way she describes Arden throughout their interactions. For Example

"ever since the art gallery he ran with his best friend went under, he has been applying to more and more jobs that will make him miserable. It has been hard to watch him literally changing parts of himself to fit into someone else's neat little box."

This little small description is just one example of how the protagonist knows her husband ins and outs. He isn't a stranger to her, and I feel their bond to each other instantly.

How was the pacing of the chapters? Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Was it too slow or too fast? Why?

I think the Author mentions this in her notes that she plans on rearranging the chapters so they are in order. The only thing I noticed is that I have to pay attention to the dates. I had to go back into previous chapters to understand when the scene took place. The pacing and writing were not slow, or too fast, it was perfect pacing.

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